Complete Gears of War Story Theory (Spoilers for both games)

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#1 TheRaven17
Member since 2008 • 37 Posts

Ok so after being disappointed that Gears of War 2 didn't explain much of the story I had an epiphany at work this morning. While bouncing ideas off one of my co-workers I came up with an idea as to what is going on in the Gears of War universe.

First the grand theory. Man is all powerful he builds cities controls the world and imulsion. Man fights himself primarily over imulsion. Man however gets sick if he gets too close to imulsion (Or irradiated whatever you want to call it). Man creates race of super imulsion miners that are more resistant, AKA the locust. Locust build cities underground and happily mine imulsion. Locust keep digging further down. Locust that have gone the furthest down become warped (AKA Lambent) maybe they discover some other power deep in the center of the earth. Lambent locust turn on the normal locust and say "screw you guys we are taking over". Normal locust say "Screw you humanity we aint dieing down here for you, we're coming up to the surface to take over and drown the lambent". Lucust come up during E-Day kick humanities ass. Gears of war 1 starts.

Now to support my theory. First things first the games have made many hints that it's all about imulsion, this was hinted in gears 1 then it took a huge step forward in gears 2 when the collectable messages emphasized how important imulsion was, how the prices were raised during the war and one even hinted of a conspiracy theory for it (Kind of like our own world and oil). Also it was also pretty clear that the locust were man made, again this was reinforced with the lab level that was mysteriously "Declassified" and it's also pretty clear that Marcus's father was probably on the project as quoted by the locust queen saying "It's a shame you didn't follow in your fathers footsteps" and at the end of the credits he's alive and says "What have you done!" after you destroy the normal locust cities.

The last bit comes from a leaked script for the gears of war movie. It existed on the internet for a brief time about a year and a half ago and really explained a lot about what happened just before and during E-Day (It was a really good script and some scenes will be incredibly powerful if done right). Marcus's father was in the movie script and just before E-Day he was getting strange activities from the underground areas. One of the scenes had him trying to go underground to get some more data and talk to key people but the security guard was giving him a tough time saying "No one is allowed underground! Ever" which seemed kind of odd but why wouldn't you want people to see what was going on underground? If you created a race of supper miner slaves! That's why! Eventually the military called for Marcus's fathers help and started showing him videos of strange things that were happening underground because he was an expert in that area. Most likely because he was on the project and it would also make sense as to why he had all the locust tunnels mapped out in his home computers as per gears of war 1.

So that's my theory. Anyone have ideas to support it? Ideas against it? Take the bit from the movie script with a grain of salt, the leaked script I read seemed pretty legit and it had a lot of details that weren't in gears of war 1 but when I played gears 2 I thought "Ah I remember they said this happened in the movie script". Anyways I believed it as legit but not everyone may.

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#2 deactivated-5c37d3adcd094
Member since 2006 • 8362 Posts
Sounds relatively solid, and I like how you actually used things to back it up, it makes a nice change around here :)
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#3 AtlanticRock
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My take:

Humans began mining for Imulsion, and began fighting each other for it. The deeper they dug down for Imulsion they disturbed the Locust who have always been present on Sera, but lived mostly underground fighting their own war against the Lambent(the pact of the worms).

In a desperate effort to stop the Locust the humans start the COG and begin fighting the war against the Locust who are now moving up to the surface. They see that they are beginning to lose the battle and begin plansto experiment on human; which is how the Sires are created. Locust begin capturing humans as well, torturing them, for whatever means(this is the only part of the story that I didn't understand) and start their final march to the surface since they're losing a war against not only against the COG but the Lambent.

Where does Adam Fenix fit into all of this? I believe that the Locust at a time tried to join forces with the humans and Adam Fenix is one of the few that joined with them as he seen the real threat of the Lambent. Marcus supports his father,gets thrown in jail during the P-wars, and isn't released until Gears 1 where the Locust's full attack on the humans grows.

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#4 cthecoffee
Member since 2003 • 1432 Posts
i like the part about they locust being miners but whare does there queen fit into all of it?
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#5 dirtydishko2
Member since 2008 • 787 Posts
Makes sense to me. I think it's pretty clear the Seran humans engineered the Locusts.
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#6 The_Dark_Jester
Member since 2003 • 1649 Posts
I agree with AtlanticRock's theory myself. Humans obviously created the sires. Lambents are obviously mutated locust and are somehow connected with the immulsion per that one scene on the elevator where a lambent is killed and we see something flow out of it. Either way hopefully the movie, book, or third one will open something more up for us.
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#7 TheRaven17
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My theory was the the Sires were the first prototypes of the locust or maybe advanced models, who knows I have to pay more attention to that level when I play it again. The thing that perked my interest was that the lab had the coordinates of the locust base which meant that the lab and the locust were connected not 2 seperate things. It ties into the theory that the humans created the locust told them where to go and had them do their thing before they turned on us which was why they had Delta head to the lab to get the location.

At first I thought that the locust were always there living underground but it was just too inprobably that the humans never noticed them or saw any sign of them before. The idea that we created them and then they turned on us seemed a bit more feasible.

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#8 RushMetallica
Member since 2007 • 4501 Posts
Very interesting theory. Atlantic rock's is good but I don't think Marcus would continue to fight if he was trying to join the locust.
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#9 deadFalling
Member since 2007 • 769 Posts
Good thread, TC made very good points now we have to wait for the movie
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#10 Ket87
Member since 2007 • 3840 Posts

i like the part about they locust being miners but whare does there queen fit into all of it? cthecoffee

The queen is Ruth or whatever her name was the girl they were experimenting on in the classified facility. You find a note about her tranformation.

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#11 TheRaven17
Member since 2008 • 37 Posts
Nice, I didn't find that particular piece of information. Supports the man made Locust theory a bit more.
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#12 Worker_X
Member since 2008 • 89 Posts
LOL you dug down deep into that grey matter didn't you? I like you're theory.
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#13 ibanezdropd
Member since 2003 • 1844 Posts
for all intensive perposes, the queen looks very human--- so how does she fit in? was she a scientist too that just kinda took over the locust or helped them start their rebellion or something? I must say this is hands down the best game theory thread i've seen in a while.
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#14 TheRaven17
Member since 2008 • 37 Posts

for all intensive perposes, the queen looks very human--- so how does she fit in? was she a scientist too that just kinda took over the locust or helped them start their rebellion or something? I must say this is hands down the best game theory thread i've seen in a while.ibanezdropd

I saw the queen as just part of the experiment. The probably had to create something that could reproduced the Locust and they may have decided to create a queen instead of having them slef reproduce like mamals. Who knows maybe Marcus's dad fell in love with her after he created her, but that's just going wayyyyyyyy off into wild theory land lol

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#15 Quintinius
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No, the Sires were created from mixing Locust and Human genes and stuff into one being. I'd imagine the hybrid of cells didn't work together well and the Sires just became savage, animilistic beings. That's why Niles was calling them the "evolution" of humans. The COGS were trying to make super-soldiers or something.

Where the Locust came from is all just speculation right now but I feel I have a pretty accurate theory on it:

In the GoW book, it says that Marcus' mother (who was a biological scientist) disappeared when Marcus was just 10. I'm convinced that Adam Fenix and Marcus' mother created the Locust. Adam Fenix was clearly working with the Locust all the time as illustrated by the recordings and by the fact that he had the bloody MAP of the Hollow.

That theory leaves the Locust plenty of time to develop, grow and build palaces and stuff. The REAL mind-blower is that Marcus' mother IS the Locust Queen. Play through that scene again and Dom and Marcus appear to recognise her for a moment and Dom says "It's her." If he meant that it was the queen, then that's a fairly redundant thing to say Obviously it's her. And the Queen's voice and appearance is so human that she MUST be some sort of human-locust hybrid. Couple that along with how the Locust seem to speak English (a primitive form of it anyway) indicates that they must have learned it off somone else i.e. the Queen and Adam Fenix.

I can expand on this if anyone would like me to.

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#16 gamerfreak1991
Member since 2005 • 2501 Posts
You know how long a revelation like that would take for me to put into words? Solid theory, many justifiable facts to back it up.
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#17 capthavic
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My theory is that either A)mankind created the locust and they rebelled or B) they were always down deep underground and our imuslion (spelling?) extraction disturbed them/their ecosystem which they took as an act of war. Or perhaps some combo of the two. I haven't played Gears 2 yet so thats just based on what little I do know.

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#18 capthavic
Member since 2003 • 6478 Posts

[QUOTE="ibanezdropd"]for all intensive perposes, the queen looks very human--- so how does she fit in? was she a scientist too that just kinda took over the locust or helped them start their rebellion or something? I must say this is hands down the best game theory thread i've seen in a while.TheRaven17

I saw the queen as just part of the experiment. The probably had to create something that could reproduced the Locust and they may have decided to create a queen instead of having them slef reproduce like mamals. Who knows maybe Marcus's dad fell in love with her after he created her, but that's just going wayyyyyyyy off into wild theory land lol

Maybe she was Marcus' mother who was abandoned underground and through exposure to imulsion mutated into a locus at became their queen. Equally wild theory I know but we know nothing about Marcus' mother and would explain why she would look more human.