Game Idea Contest #1 - Post your Game Ideas Here

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#1 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
This is the topic for the people who signed up for the Game Idea Contest, you will make one post, after all entries are recieved, I will delete any other posts. This topic will remain open for one week, two days. That means it closes on Friday March 9.

After all entries are judged, I will post this winner in the topic.

The Entrants are:

- OddballTECH
- -The-G-Man- - Has Submitted his/her work
- Jacash3492
- Starfreak101 - Has Submitted his/her work
- Platyphyllum - Has Submitted his/her work
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#2 StarFreak101
Member since 2006 • 106 Posts
What I have for an exellent video game is a video game where you get to create your own character and free roam. The game should be even bigger than Oblivion, alot of easter eggs and cheats, and online multiplayer, up to 1000 players!!! You get to choose what you want to be like say, if you want to be a solider, you control your person in first-person. The choises are swordsman, thug, sportsman, magician, wizard, inventer, buiesness man, child, ghost, solider, teacher, and much, much, much, much, much, more!! The storyline is: Along time ago, in a land beyond the human relms, a person destroyed the Earth just by touching it. As a life of a person with diffrent atributes, you must kill that person. There is no time limits and you can travel around the world. It is for all systems that are existing in this world! It is for 4 player in a system if its a death match round. You get to wield any weapons ever in the world!!
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#3 Platyphyllum
Member since 2005 • 8105 Posts
Game Name: The Creator
Platform: DS
Genre: Strategy

Did you ever wish you had your own world? To create? To make? To...DESTROY? Well then, the game "The Creator" is for you! Basically, you are the Creator of Worlds, you, with your trusty stylus, is going to create a world!

Basically, at the start, you have nothing, no world, no planet, just a blank and empty solar system. However, suddenly, a bright yellow light appears in the centre of the universe! It's giving off an intense heat and it's really big! Now rocks are starting to circle around it and the game starts.

Basically, you're at the Sun and there are rocks going around it thanks to it's gravity. Well, you're job is to drag those rocks using your stylus, and make them collide with each other! That will create a rocky ball which just so happens to be the start of your planet! You can move it wherever you want in your solar system (don't move it too close to the sun, it's invulnerable right now since you're just starting but try not to do so after you develop your planet)! Well, after toying around with it for around 30 seconds, it would have cooled of enough and you can tap on it twice (double tap) to zoom in to it! (in other words, enter it). Now, it's your job to create your planet! Basically, you have a HUGE area to fill. You can surround it completely with water and make sea life live in it, or maybe make a small deserted island with a coconut tree where one human being lives and eats off coconuts (or remove the coconut tree and make him starve). Or, you can pretty much just create a replica of our Earth today!

You can make buildings, cities, theme parks, oceans, volcanoes, it's all yours!

Well anyways, after 3 hours of playing with your new planet, more rocks will come to surround the sun, now, you can either combine it with the planet you have now (which will kill of some organisms but make it larger) and keep on doing so whenever new rocks appear, and make one huge super planet! Or you can just make an entirely new planet with the rocks! :) Of course you're limited to only 10 planets but that should be enough!

Now, even The Creator has to go shopping, so if you get enough "Creator Points", you will be able to go to the "Creator Shop" and buy new things for your planet! You, in default have all the normal stuff, volcanoes, humans, bodies of water, islands, trees, and that's it. However, if you do something (like add more trees, make humans, kill things) you earn creator points! Want a huge giant monkey rampaging through your world killing off humans? Buy it at the "Creator Shop"! Want to cover the entire world in desert and make your human beings starve from hunger and thirst? Well. that isn't very nice, but you can buy a desert attachment with your creator points! Want animal companions for your humans? Buy dogs, birds, dolphins, tigers, or even vicious DINOSAURS to keep your humans (and other organisms) company :)!

Well, after a while, more and more rocks will come, and you can make a super planet! You can even make it bigger than the Sun! You know what that means? Destroy the sun! Sure, your human beings are gonna die because of the lack of warmth...and really, I wouldn't do something as vulgar as that, but if you're the "godly punishing" type of person, go ahead! Of course that kills of every organism in your planet and destroys the sun, at least you did something nearly impossible, not to mention your planet can become the new centre of the solar system! A new sun will spawn in around...hmmm...well actually, it doesn't spawn, it's your choice if you want it to come back or not :)! Of course, it will always come back in the centre of the solar system, so if your super planet is there...then...well, it's going to explode since the sun's overwhelming heat is inside of it!

Anyways, The Creator is my game idea! I hope you guys like it! :)
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#4 -The-G-Man-
Member since 2007 • 6414 Posts

Okay guys, here's my submission:

Game Name: The Last Gladiators
Platform: Xbox 360
Genre: First-Person Shooter
R Trigger-
Fire Weapon
L Trigger- Throw Grenade
R Bumper- Reload Weapon
L Bumper- Change Grenades (four types)
L Thumbstick- Move (click to sprint)
R Thumbstick- Aim (click to engage aim mode; zoom with sniper rifles)
D Pad- Select Weapons (carry up to four)
Y- Toggle Alternate and Primary Fire
B- Melee Attack
X- Crouch
A- Jump

Single Player Structure:
The Last Gladiators is built around multiplayer, but there will be single player, but mostly only as preparation for multiplayer.  The story is fairly basic: you, a police officer, are kidnapped and forced to compete for the entertainment in a competition much like that of a gladiator.  From there on you will compete against bots in any of the arenas in any of the different modes.  Maps are designed specifically for each gameplay mode and some will cross over to other modes, though they may be changed a bit.  After each battle you will go to your quarters, where your health will be fully restored.  In your quarters is a terminal where you can change in-game options or go to another match.  Your quarters will change based on how well you are doing.  You will level up during battle, and you will gain experience more frequently depending on how well you do.  The single player can be played co-op online and offline (or a combination of the two) with four players to your team.  They will all share the same quarters and a friend can jump in at any time.  This game has no vehicles and the entire game is seen in first-person, with no switches to first-person; not even in cut-scenes.  The cut-scenes are few, but when they come you are usually forced to face the person who is speaking.  You can look but not move.  There are four c lasses to choose from at the beginning: demolitionist, spy, soldier, and scout.  When playing alone in the single player without friends your team will have at least one of each c lass; the number of people in each battle varies based on the mode and the map; when playing with friends you can only play team games.  You can change the setup of your team from the terminal after selecting a battle.  C lasses cannot be altered in single player.  (More on c lasses later on.)  From the terminal you can also change your emblem and name.

Game Screen:
Your weapon is in the middle and is accompanied by an aiming reticule.  In the bottom left you are shown the four types of grenades, how many of each you have, and which one you have selected.  (More on grenades later on.)  At the bottom right is a box that shows your current weapon.  Below the gun are small "l" shaped items that show how much ammo is in the clip.  Beside the "l"s is a number that shows how much ammo you have total in the form of a fraction.  For instance, 19/20 means you have 19 ammo, 20 being the maximum.  Ammo in the clip is not counted.  To the left, top, and bottom of the box showing your weapon are the other three weapons you are carrying, though they appear smaller than the one currently equipped.  In the top left is your radar, which detects only movement.  Friendlies are green dots and enemies are red dots.  If a player is standing still, they will not show up on radar.  The radar only shows those in the vicinity and does not include any walls on the map.  Anyone on a different floor will be either a red or green faded-out dot.  Anyone on your team will have a large arrow above them pointing at their head.  Its color will be your team color.  A circle is around the radar that is green.  As you take damage some of that green will change into red.  When the health becomes all red, you die (no replenishing health here, unless you find a med pack!)  In the top right is your name and the three people who have the most points; if you aren't in the top three you'll appear below them.  Beside the names are their points.  A blue arrow will point to you on the list.  Each player's color will be the color the text of their name will be.  In the case of team play, your team and the top three teams will be there instead of players.  When you die, the landscape gradually becomes static as you fall down.  The entire screen will remain static for a moment until changing to black, where it will display who killed you, your killer's emblem, how many points your killer has, how many points you had before you were killed, how many times you have died, how many times your killer has died, what your killer's c lass is, and what team your killer is on (if playing with teams.)

C lasses:
- Expert in rocket launchers, grenade launchers, grenades themselves, and other types of explosive weapons.  Explosive-type weapons and grenades do more damage when used by a demolitionist.  They have medium health and move the slowest.  They have a low jump ability.
Spy- Expert with melee, pistols, and sniper rifles.  When spies stand still they blend into the background somewhat, but when they fire they become fully visible.  Spies have the lowest health of all the c lasses but are the second fastest.  Spies can jump highest and have a very damaging melee attack.
Soldier- Expert with all weapons except explosive weapons and sniper rifles, which they do little damage with.  They don't do as much damage as other experts with certain weapons, but they do fairly well.  Soldiers have the highest health and move at a medium pace.
Scout- Expert with status effect guns and pistols (more so than the spy).  Jump the second-highest of all c lasses.  Move at a lightning-quick pace and have a melee attack as damaging as the spy.  Also expert with trap guns.
(Sorry I to put c lasses; whenever I don't have the space, it says my HTML is not well-formed.)

Game Modes: (For Team Required modes, only two teams are supported)
Standard fragfest with respawns.
Last Man Standing- Deathmatch with a set number of lives; die after your lives are zero and you're out of the game.
Point of Interest- The point of interest is randomly set at the beginning.  Standing on it earns you points.  Whoever has the most points at the time over wins.
Item- An ordinary item (usually something strange like a candy bar, a lottery ticket, or a CD case) is placed somewhere on the map.  Taking it and holding it earns you points.  Whoever has the most points at the end wins.  (If you're killed while holding it, you drop the Item.
Device- Capture the flag without teams.  This is the only one of all the modes that doesn't support team play.  One device is placed in the middle of the map.  The players must capture it and return it to their base.
Capture the Flag (Teams Required)- A flag is placed at each team's base.  To win the round, you must have both flags at your base.  Whoever has the most points after all the rounds wins.
Assassination (Teams Required)- One team's player becomes the VIP.  That team must lead the VIP, who has twice as much health as everyone else, to the extraction point.  The other team must try to kill the VIP.  No respawns.  Minimum of two rounds; an even number of rounds must be set.  Every round which team has the VIP changes.
Detonation (Teams Required)- One team must try to plant a bomb at the other's base.  One person on the team who is defending against the bomb is able to defuse it, and this is randomly set.  If the bomb is defused, the bombers can try again.  This repeats until time is over.  Two round minimum.
Hostage Situation (Required)- One team guards the hostages and the other must rescue them and get them to the extraction point.  If any of the hostages dies, the team who killed them loses a point.  Two round minimum.
Siege (Teams Required)- One team must defend their reactor core within their base as the other team tries to break in and destroy it.  The team trying to enter the base respawns where they began.  The other team respawns outside of their base at a set point if they die.  Two round minimum.  The defenders get four bots and two turrets.

Multiplayer Structure:
When you click multiplayer on the main menu, you'll be taken to your multiplayer quarters.  Here you'll choose from one of your four characters (you get one of each c lass.)  Then you can change your appearance as you see fit and check your standings.  Every ten games, your ranking will get higher, lower, or stay the same.  The ranks are, from worst to best, Cannon Fodder, Moving Target, Participant, Elite, and Champion.  Everyone starts as a Participant.  You can also choose a game from the terminal.  Only certain games will be shown.  Normally, the games with hosts at or close to your rank who have played somewhere around the same amount of games as you.  As the host, you get to choose the game type and whether to allow all c lasses or not (for instance you can set a game so only scouts are allowed in.  Also, when games are displayed you can choose which ones you want to see.

Arsenal: (In General by Weapon C lasss)
One-handed weapon that does a medium amount of damage.  Holds medium amount of ammo.
Shotguns- Powerful up close, terrible at range.  Reloading time depends on how many bullets you shot before you reloaded.
Machine Guns- Fires large amounts of ammo one after the other and holds large amounts, too.  One bullet would do little damage, but fired rapidly it will do some damage.
Rifles- Damage is between medium and large.  It holds a moderate amount of ammo and some have varying effects, like one might fire three bullets in different directions.  There will be a pause between shots to make room for the recoil of the gun.  The length of the pauses vary between each rifle.  Better at long and medium range and bad at short range.
Sniper Rifles- Medium damage when fired at the body.  When fired at the head it is deadly.  Best at long range.  The sniper rifle that holds the most ammo before having to reload has only four, and it does little damage.  The one that does the most damage has you reload after every shot.
Element Guns- Fires things like fire or electricity.  Medium amounts of damage.  No ammo, but they may need to be recharged.
Trap Guns- Do low damage; the affects for each gun vary.  Some may slow the enemy, one may drain his health, etc.  Best at medium range.  Low amounts of ammo.
Explosive Guns- Do large amounts of damage.  These guns have splash damage, so they are best at long and medium ranges.  These guns have long reload times and won't hold much ammo before having to reload.  The grenade launcher uses your collected grenades.

Well, that's how the Last Gladiators would work.  I hope I didn't go overboard with the description.

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#5 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
This topic is now closed, anyone who wants to submit their work must talk to me. Whether I accept it or not depends on how fast you talk to me. When the judges are done judging your game idea. I will post the winner in this topic.
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#7 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
StarFreak101's Game Idea #1

Originality: 2/3; Depth: 2/3; Tilt: 1/3

Total: 5/9

The idea is original for the most part. Of course you didn't design the genre, but really you aren't out to create a genre, just expand upon one and reach new limits. This game does it in a way with a new way of looking at things. Ultimate Customization of a character has always been restricted whether you are creating a wrestler or a sim, it's always been restricted, but allowing people to be anything is just a new way of looking at things.

The idea itself, being sandboxed allows for basically, whatever you want, but my issue is that this is a game idea contest and well, you haven't filled in the blanks. You gave us the beginning and the end. What this idea lacks is the middle, how do we get from A (The start) to B (the end). Like I said in my previous paragraph, it is good that you have a large amount of customization available, but you need some structure to advance, some sort of plot and that seems to be lacking. Like I said, you need to get from A to B and it just can't be "anyway imaginable"

The idea of this game is good, it allows for an open ended choose your own legacy kind of thing, which I like. However, this game just does not seem realistic to me, I have a problem with it. For one, there is no structure. A good free roam game helps you advance in a story, but in a free-roam situation. As far as I can see there is nothing between A and B. The dream of it is remarkable, unfortunately the reality is not.

"The Creator"
Platyphyllum's Game Idea #1

Originality: 2/3; Depth: 2/3; Tilt: 2/3

Total: 6/9

This game is not completely original, it borrows some elements from already existing games, but you expand on that, which is always good. It is like Sim City and the franchise mode of a baseball game (Bad analogy, I know), but it is also so much more. The idea is quite original, but not completely. Starting the world from day is a great idea, it lets you mould the world in which you rule, which makes the world more suited for that specific player.

Depth is not really an issue; you hit all the points on the creation of the world and maintaining it, upgrades and all that. The only complaint I have against is that it is a little too customable; maybe what should have been done is that you cannot affect weather and where you place your planet at the start of the game has a direct result on the problems it faces. Things like natural disasters should be included. You hit the customizable side of things, but you missed the twists and turns that make any story great.

I would buy this game for sure, you create your own world, maintain it, and all that. It sounds quite fun despite its few flaws. However, the lack of a challenge is apparent, by being able to change certain conditions on the turn of a dime you are able to win no matter what happens. That is the kind of thing that would make me regret buying this game after the first few weeks of fun.

"The Last Gladiators"
The-G-Man-'s Game Idea #1

Originality: 2/3; Depth: 2/3; Tilt: 3/3

Total: 7/9

As I read this idea, several different games flashed through my mind, but not one of them seemed to completely fit. It is as if you took a little bit from each and tried turned it into something of your own. The whole idea of being kidnapped and the base of multiplayer (especially on 360) is not a new thing, but it works. Since this game does not seem to base on originally, but more of its ability to be fun, this really does not hurt the overall rating of your game as the story is just a side thing. This is a bit original, but not really.

The story is clearly lacking in depth, but you got points for going into the game modes, different character types and all that snazzy stuff: D. It is clear to me that you put a lot of thought into the planning of your game and I like that. The control scheme works and all that. The only thing that really has to be improved is the bulk, just a bit though. Add a little depth into single player make it like a tutorial for going into online play. Teach the basics, have a little story, perhaps a side character fighting for you or something. Perhaps turn it into something like the Departed with a rat in the cops and a cop in the criminals. That kind of thing would help players learn how to play the game sufficiently and give them a little bit of enjoyment along the way.

I think this would be a good 360 game because it is not based on single player, but multiplayer. It would also have success on the pc, but on any other system it would fail because of the lack of online that those systems have (Excluding other current generation consoles that is). The game appeals to a lot of people and it would be quite fun to play. It wouldn't be a massive sell-out, but it would be quite fun with a solid player base. Sadly, with the Gears of War, Halo taking massive shares of multiplayer play, your game is likely to be overlooked by diehard fans of those games.
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#8 Rintaran
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StarFreak101’s Game Idea #1 Originality: 2/3 Depth: 1/3 Tilt: 1/3 Total: 4/9 The core idea, of a free-roam combination single/MMO/deathmatch game, without any thought/restrictions to theme or genre, utilizing weaponry of any sort, cross compatible with all gaming platforms is an ambitious idea, and relatively original. However, the plotline suggested is not a plotline so much as a single, final event within an otherwise undirected game-sphere. The final event proposed, the destruction of the Earth by some super creature’s Galactian touch, is hardly a new concept and remains as impossible to implement as it ever was since the very existence of this creature on the planet, means that the planet is destroyed. As for depth, although this game may offer some online possibilities for role play, there really is not much there. A minor improvement could involve discovering the source of this villain’s power and finding a way to harness it to promote/recreate the world in your character’s vision, only to discover that the great evil that was somehow foretold is actually the character him/herself. Of course, this plot modification would work for 1-player games, but I don’t see any depth or applicability to an MMO, with either the original or the new idea. This reviewer also does not believe the idea to be remotely workable. The amount of processing required for a game of this magnitude makes it too difficult to have the programming contained on a single DVD, HD-DVD, and possibly even a Blu-ray. Additionally, I’m fairly certain that no handheld has the proper specs to run a game of this magnitude, and I doubt the Wii could handle it either. The lack of plot development also makes this a difficult game to market. Also, with the scope of jobs and weaponry, ranging from sticks to thermo-nuclear weaponry (and possibly beyond), the vast majority of the low-tech weaponry would only be used by hard-core role players, who would quickly become discouraged as they go up against laser wielding opponents. In my opinion, this game is both too ambitious and unwieldy to work properly. “The Creator” Platyphyllum’s Game Idea #1 Originality: 2/3 Depth: 2/3 Tilt: 2/3 Total: 6/9 This game seems to take some of the aspects from Sim City and expand it to cover an entire solar system. It also shows some elements from the upcoming masterpiece, Spore. In Spore, you start at the cellular level and work up, but here, you start as a powerful deity crafting planets at whimsy. As a creationist attempt to counter the evolution of Spore, this game holds some promise of selling. Generally, the idea seems pretty solid, though some additional thought could go into how you want the menu system to display (since that will be a large part of this game). As this is intended for the DS, it could make excellent use of the dual-screen technology, but the disc may fall short in terms of capacity. Another aspect to consider is the level of intervention in the lives of human characters. “Creator Points” could easily be used to fund technological advancements, or to provoke wonder/fear in a people, perhaps causing them to build a random edifice in celebration of you, their deity. Usually, I’m a fan if Sim City, Civilizations, and other developmental games. With some additional flushing out, this could possibly work, though I think it’d work better in a console (any really) or a PC over a portable. I’m concerned about the low-addiction levels however, and could easily see this as being popular for only a few months before retiring to the gaming graveyard. “The Last Gladiators” -The-G-Man-‘s Game Idea #1 Originality: 2/3 Depth: 1/3 Tilt: 3/3 Total: 6/9 At first, when reading the single-player mode made me think of the many Unreal Tournament games, but with the revelation of no respawning, my brain zapped right back to Counterstrike. This game comes across as an attempt to mix what are arguably two of the best FPS games to hit the market. The addition of specialized classes comes across as an attempt to make this game different from those two powerful games, and in my opinion, that just might be enough to make this game a hit. Like almost all FPS games, there is no depth or storyline truly worth relating. The write-up of the controls and screen descriptions show that a lot of work was put into this idea, but it’s hard for a multi-player focused FPS to break away from the standard lack of depth, and this game doesn’t do it. Personally, I think this game would do alright on the Xbox 360. The system is known for dominating the FPS console market, so it’s a sure bet to sell a number of copies, provided the hype is big enough to sell lots at launch, otherwise the frustrated players are likely to leave quickly when the multiplayer prevents them from finding humans to play with or against. I think this game could do better if simultaneously launched on the PC, with cross-platform multiplayer. The PC has been begging for the next Unreal, Counterstrike, or even Quake style game, and all the military, “American’s are the greatest” propaganda games really don’t quite cut the mustard. Additionally, with the quick turnaround of an FPS match, the game appeals to those who are occasional or multigame players, which is a major, and often neglected, market.
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#9 Sparky-05
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Congradulations G-Man, you will go into the record books as the winner of this here contest, congrats. All your game ideas were interesting in their own way and I for one would buy all of them. Thank you to everyone who partcipated that includes the entrants and Shawn.

If we could give you something, we would, just mark it down in your books. Sparky owes you :D. I figure something out in the coming weeks, hopefully :D