Have you ever thought about quitting following politics or taking a break from it?

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#1 deactivated-63d1ad7651984
Member since 2017 • 10057 Posts

For me I pretty much have I was deep into it since maybe the mid 2000's and especially the last four years which was pretty crazy no matter what side you are on. I must say since I stopped following it earlier this year I realized how much stress it caused and what a waste of time it was for me. Life is hard enough adding politics into it just made things worst although it can be entertaining at times that's for sure. Anyways have any of you thought about quitting or taking a break from it?

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#2 br0kenrabbit
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We've moved forward on a lot of things since I began following politics in the early 90's, and I'd like to see that trend continued.

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#3 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178881 Posts

That's the reason we have so many poor leaders. No one pays attention.

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#4 DaVillain  Moderator
Member since 2014 • 56483 Posts

Following certain politicians is easy to focus and move on. No one stays in power forever and I like to keep it moving until someone comes up with the next idea. And besides, if I stop following politics, I can't go vote as to who I'm voting for and voting is always important IMO.

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#5 deactivated-63d1ad7651984
Member since 2017 • 10057 Posts

@davillain- said:

Following certain politicians is easy to focus and move on. No one stays in power forever and I like to keep it moving until someone comes up with the next idea. And besides, if I stop following politics, I can't go vote as to who I'm voting for and voting is always important IMO.

Voting is important I agree.

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#6  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts


Not just for knowing which way the wind is blowing, which is important for business.

I do however, greatly tire of this whole left-right schtick. It isn't very useful. And the model just doesnt do a good job predicting politics, especially here in europe. And I am deeply disturbed by the anti-intellectualism coming from various populist factions. And well, I see the world as an election away from book burning becoming common.

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#7 mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23063 Posts

@Maroxad: Elaborate, please.

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#8  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts
@mattbbpl said:

@Maroxad: Elaborate, please.

Business or Anti-intellectualism?

Business: I am currently respecializing in becoming an engineer for renewable energy. Needless to say, knowing which muncipalities are pro renewable and which ones are stuck in old ways is good to know for when I will move. It will also help me know where to specialize.

Anti-Intellectualism: The Sweden Democrats are pretty damn anti-intellectual, and their ideals are fairly similar to Victor Orban. And they are getting far too many ideas from the US Republican party who have been very recently doing the following,

  • Getting Books banned from libraries
  • Trying to push for book burning policies at School Board meetings
  • Bomb threats to multiple universities, including Yale, Brown, Ohio, Cleveland State, Chicago.
  • Getting Educators fired based on CRT allegations
  • Politicians publicly talking about professors being the enemy
  • Legislation against history classes, in favor of a politically correct agenda.
  • Trying to push for the teaching of both sides of the holocaust.
  • Threatening Scientists for discussing COVID they don't like

There is more than this, but yeah. I am not a fan of the populists over here. I really dont want them to gain any power.

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#9  Edited By mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23063 Posts

@Maroxad: It looks like the post was edited and the portion I wanted to delve further into is no longer present, so nevermind. That'll teach me to quote rather than reply, LOL.

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#10  Edited By judaspete
Member since 2005 • 7374 Posts

I think it's healthy to take breaks if it's stressing you, or just making you angry all the time. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about that.

Long term though, it might help to change up your news sources.

I've cut out the cable news/Youtube talking head professional opinion-haver types out of my life and I'm much happier for it. They need ratings/clicks and outrage is the easiest way to get that.

Focus your research more on ideas and long term policy goals, than on people and current events. There are a lot of asshats that seek attention saying stupid shit, as well as ones who are just morons. Unless you live in there district, there isn't much to be gained listening to them. Learn about healthcare, not the crapy thing so and so said about what's his face.

Seek out primary sources. If a bill is passed that you find important, read it. It's all available online. News outlets have value giving basic information, but think of them as a starting point. It's rare the whole story can be thoroughly covered in five paragraphs. Basically, put more effort into understanding fewer more relevant subjects.

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#11 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

@mattbbpl said:

@Maroxad: It looks like the post was edited and the portion I wanted to delve further into is no longer present, so nevermind. That'll teach me to quote rather than reply, LOL.

Yeah, I didnt like the phrasing.

I suppose you meant the elitist vs populist bit. I didnt like the phrasing of that at all. As there isnt a single populist faction. But rather multiple ones.

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#12  Edited By mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23063 Posts

@Maroxad: Yeah, that's the one. It had me confused as to what you were referring to.

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#13 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

@mattbbpl: To be specific. I am fairly concerned about the right wing populists right now. Being european, well, you know with Hungary. And I fear that if Sweden Democrats get power, they will ultimately resemble them if they maintain it for long enough. They are currently Trump Lite. But their base, are far more radical.

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#14 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

Nah. To be honest I wasn't really into politics until a couple years ago, now I sort of really enjoy it. My parents, especially my mom, are really political so it gives us something to talk about. And my brother-in-law is essentially a libertarian so it's fun to debate with him because we agree on a lot of important shit but then we argue over financial stuff.

I wish I could retain information better, though, I tend to forget a lot of stuff but it moves so fast and politicians and parties change stances all the time.

@Maroxad said:

@mattbbpl: To be specific. I am fairly concerned about the right wing populists right now. Being european, well, you know with Hungary. And I fear that if Sweden Democrats get power, they will ultimately resemble them if they maintain it for long enough. They are currently Trump Lite. But their base, are far more radical.

Yeah Trump essentially gave "permission" to the fascist of the world to be, well....fascist. Whereas previously they sort of hid in corners and would pop up now and again, now they're out and about and proud.

Not saying this with any sort of ego, but "as goes America, so too goes the world"

The next few years are really going to determine a lot. I hope the GOP can get back to their roots and dump Trumpism before 2024.

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#15  Edited By SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8410 Posts

I've thought about it briefly, but no I'm going to still engage.

My biggest worries are that we are giving up many of our rights, the Constitution is becoming swiss cheese. It's almost impossible to not pay attention when so many things in politics comes into play on a daily basis.

Big tech is something I don't like, we have some major monopolies controlling the space and I fear our government will use these monopolies to force a narrative on us and block out opposition to when they are doing thier citizens wrong.

Censorship is generally something I don't like and I feel it's gotten worse not better in the last 15 years. So I'd like to push back on that as much as possible.

More recent identity politics on subjects of race, gender, and orientation I find to be horrible. I would like to promote individualism as much as possible instead of barbaric collectivist ideology, which is something I see growing on the left. I believe those in power like us to focus on this crap because it keeps the people divided as well as distracted from how they are selling us out on the world stage while slowly chipping at our rights.

I wish to preserve the constitution and what it stands for. I want as less big government as possible. I want to protect the rights of all individuals in this country. I want to preserve the constitution. I generally will push back against any and all ideology rooted in Marxism.

There are many things I care about, I don't see myself being able to just unplug and ignore it. It almost feels selfish to do so. But I have thought about it.

I'm worried about us loosing on the world stage, the CCP does not believe in a ideology I can accept to live in. I fear china's influence will continue the watering down of our own rights.

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#17 Eoten
Member since 2020 • 8671 Posts

@Maroxad said:
@mattbbpl said:

@Maroxad: Elaborate, please.

Business or Anti-intellectualism?

Business: I am currently respecializing in becoming an engineer for renewable energy. Needless to say, knowing which muncipalities are pro renewable and which ones are stuck in old ways is good to know for when I will move. It will also help me know where to specialize.

Anti-Intellectualism: The Sweden Democrats are pretty damn anti-intellectual, and their ideals are fairly similar to Victor Orban. And they are getting far too many ideas from the US Republican party who have been very recently doing the following,

  • Getting Books banned from libraries
  • Trying to push for book burning policies at School Board meetings
  • Bomb threats to multiple universities, including Yale, Brown, Ohio, Cleveland State, Chicago.
  • Getting Educators fired based on CRT allegations
  • Politicians publicly talking about professors being the enemy
  • Legislation against history classes, in favor of a politically correct agenda.
  • Trying to push for the teaching of both sides of the holocaust.
  • Threatening Scientists for discussing COVID they don't like

There is more than this, but yeah. I am not a fan of the populists over here. I really dont want them to gain any power.

Well now, ain't you the arrogant one. People disagree with you and that makes them anti intellectual? They're not intelligent enough to vote if they don't come to the same conclusions based on the same evidence of things you've had? You're so much better than them, right? You're so intellectual and so benevolent thinking less of people who don't think like you. They could be so lucky to be as full of themselves as you are.

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#18 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

@eoten: What are you talking about?

Nowhere did I imply they are anti-intellectual because they disagree with me. I literally listed why in that very post you quoted, why the RWAs are anti-intellectual.

And who said anything about suppressing their vote? The way you curb their power is to counteract their disinformation campaigns. You know... the very same campaigns you have been waging on this board.

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#19 Maroxad
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@mrbojangles25 said:

Nah. To be honest I wasn't really into politics until a couple years ago, now I sort of really enjoy it. My parents, especially my mom, are really political so it gives us something to talk about. And my brother-in-law is essentially a libertarian so it's fun to debate with him because we agree on a lot of important shit but then we argue over financial stuff.

I wish I could retain information better, though, I tend to forget a lot of stuff but it moves so fast and politicians and parties change stances all the time.

@Maroxad said:

@mattbbpl: To be specific. I am fairly concerned about the right wing populists right now. Being european, well, you know with Hungary. And I fear that if Sweden Democrats get power, they will ultimately resemble them if they maintain it for long enough. They are currently Trump Lite. But their base, are far more radical.

Yeah Trump essentially gave "permission" to the fascist of the world to be, well....fascist. Whereas previously they sort of hid in corners and would pop up now and again, now they're out and about and proud.

Not saying this with any sort of ego, but "as goes America, so too goes the world"

The next few years are really going to determine a lot. I hope the GOP can get back to their roots and dump Trumpism before 2024.

Well somewhat.

The parties that could be considered right wing here, generally do not follow the GOP, except for economic issues. As far as race relations and LGBT rights go, they tend to be roughly as progressive as the US democratic party, and the Alliance, the largest right wing coalition here had no issue voting for LGBT rights (except for the Christian Democrats). The issue however, comes in the form of the new Right Wing Authoritiarians, the such as the Sweden Democrats. Who very much resemble the post Tea Party GOP. This isnt surprising of course, as they all derive their positions from the same source as the modern GOP does. Which would be online echo chambers and algorithms.

Of course, calling them Right Wing Authoritarians isnt entirely accurate, as they have historically been pretty big on the welfare state, as long as it goes towards... swedish people.

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#20 uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59394 Posts

Yea, do tend to ignore it now. Largely see screeching doubt my input in anything will change nowt. Let the world spin and sort itself out.

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#21 shellcase86
Member since 2012 • 6857 Posts

Absolutely. Big quality of life improvement.

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#22 deactivated-620299e29a26a
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I still follow what's going on, but I've given up hope on any meaningful change or social prosperity. All you have to do is follow the money trail and see that both parties don't have any interest working for the people that elected them and put all of their effort into appeasing their corporate lobbyist owners. Corporate lobbyists call the shots, not the people, and not the elected officials.

If officials don't follow the lobbyist, they don't get elected, and once elected they do their bidding. That's why 70% of Americans are in favor of healthcare reform, 2/3rds of voters want a higher corporate tax rate, and 75% of Americans want congressional term limits But we still don't have it, and never will, because of lobbyist corporate interest. I personally think the entire Red vs Blue argument is moot when both parties in congress have a 174k salary but the majority of them are multimillionaires yet again because of corporate lobbyists.

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#23 blaznwiipspman1
Member since 2007 • 16613 Posts

nope, don't take it seriously. Its all more like a comedy. Trump just brought it all up to the front, and thats why it was hilarious / breath of fresh air. Now we're going back to the undercover comedy.

Just look at COP26, not only was it a sham, even worse everyone of the 20,000 people got on a private airplane to come to the party, travelling thousands of km, emitting millions of tons of CO2 and at the end of the day not agree on anything. These guys are a walking joke. Trump just called them out on it.

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#24 outworld222
Member since 2004 • 4276 Posts

I’ve always thought of it. But politics involves us. You can’t get away from it if you really think about it. It’s not like we 💜 politics, but it’s unavoidable.

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#25 my_user_name  Online
Member since 2019 • 1284 Posts

@rmiller365: Pretty much agree. I think Bill Maher has turned into a cranky old rich man yelling at the kids to stay off his lawn.... but this segment was pretty excellent imo.

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#26 Vaasman
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I'd love to be able to go back to forgetting politics existed but we can't exactly afford that mentality after the last demonstration of what apathy brings us.

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#27 Telekill
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I'd love it if politics was less vitriol and more about simply being ok with having different opinions. Unfortunately the change in the wind over the last decade is to destroy and intrude on everyone's lives that don't tow the socialist line. Ignorance is bliss but we're well past that being feasible and not having my life intruded upon. It's well past time to push back and that means staying informed.

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#28 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178881 Posts

@Telekill said:

I'd love it if politics was less vitriol and more about simply being ok with having different opinions. Unfortunately the change in the wind over the last decade is to destroy and intrude on everyone's lives that don't tow the socialist line. Ignorance is bliss but we're well past that being feasible and not having my life intruded upon. It's well past time to push back and that means staying informed.

Ironic post is ironic.

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#29  Edited By Telekill
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@LJS9502_basic: Where's the irony? I just wanted to be left the f**k alone but that wasn't happening.

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#30  Edited By Eoten
Member since 2020 • 8671 Posts

@Telekill said:

@LJS9502_basic: Where's the irony? I just wanted to be left the f**k alone but that wasn't happening.


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#31  Edited By blaznwiipspman1
Member since 2007 • 16613 Posts

To be honest, I get upset about certain things, but overall I try not to get too involved in politics. Just realize there's a lot of fucked up people out there and nothing you can do to change that. Then live your life ignoring those bastards for the most part. It's not worth the headache and stress getting to involved in politics. Just remember what you stand for and just quietly do your thing when it's time to vote. That's the biggest middle finger you can give these people, vote and vote in every single election. Do it just to piss these people off, even if it takes time out of your day or job or whatever. It brings a lot of satisfaction knowing that you're screwing over someone you despise. After that don't even care about the results. The important part was screwing those people you despise over. Even if you lose, you can go and relax somewhere because ultimately it didn't even matter that much.

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#32 Gaming-Planet
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I pay attention to make predictions because one day I might become one. If I am ever president I will have loyalists and corrupt politicians in congress from wall street. I'll be your next Caesar.

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#33 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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It's rather difficult to disconnect entirely unless all social media is dissolved from your life. Too many become consumed by it (doomscrolling), or simply profit off of it (we all know who they are).

Each day though comes a new dollar set aside for my house in the woods far away from neighbors and shenanigans.