S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Impressed or Not Impressed?

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#1 Pez_D_Spencer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

I was just curious how many people were impressed by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. now that it's finally released. First off, I'll just let it be known that I was NOT impressed by this game in the least. I played it for about 30 minutes and finally just unistalled it completely. Let me explain why.

GRAPHICS - My current computer is a P4 530, 2GB RAM @ 4-4-4-12, and a Saphirre x1950PRO 512MB card. After going through the STALKER tweak guide at TweakGuides.com I was more or less able to run the game maxed @ 1280x1024, but still I didn't think the game looked all that great compared to some of the other current FPS games out there right now.

GAMEPLAY - First off, I was floored that there was so little voice acting. The fact that you had to READ all the dialog when confronting another NPC was completely unbelieveable in this day and age. I felt like I was playing a game on the SNES or something. Too many side missions made me feel confused and made the game have a lack of focus. I plaed this game up until the first fight scene before I got rid of this piece of garbage. It made no sense to me why the NPC's in the squad wouldn't have given the player a gun to use in that first firefight. I thought the act of trying to hide until one of your squad buddies got killed and stealing his gun was retarded. And lastly, lets not forget the BULLETPROOF enemies. Even standing only a couple feet away and unloading a clip into one of the enemies didn't kill him but he fires off one shot and I'm dead. Go figure. What a crock.

STORY - Completely incoherent. 'Nuff said on that.

Except for the old NES/SNES RPG's like Zelda, The Illusion of Gaia, and a couple others, I've never really cared for RPG's. Like I read somewhere else, this game is simply an RPG that wants to be a FPS game but just doesn't quite cut it. To me it felt like a modern day Oblivion (which BTW was another game I think completely BLOWS). Had I known this game was 90% RPG and 10% wannabe FPS then I would have stayed away in the first place. I gve it a 1/10.

So tell me your opinions.

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#2 Frozzik
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I got the game last week. I have to say so far i'm loving it. I am able to run pretty much maxed out graphics and i think it looks nice. I really do think you should give it another go, the 1st hour or so is rather boring and you really can't judge a game on 30 minutes. I myself did recieve a gun on the 1st quest so dunno what happened to you, please tell me you checked the inventory cos it doesn't self equip when you get it. Also all the side quests are optional so you really don't need to do em. As far as hard to kill enemies, well, this for me is a good thing. They have purposely made all npc's as strong as the player, therefore making it more realistic. You start as a rookie, do you think its right to let you stand there taking insane amounts of bullet fire yet they die with one or 2 shots? Really, it makes way more sense this way and just adds to the overall feel of the game. Maybe try taking cover once in a while or try aiming for the head shot. Overall i think stalker is great, sure there are lots of things wrong with it but it is still a fine game.
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#3 SuperBeast
Member since 2002 • 13229 Posts
So.....basically you had NO idea what Stalker was, bought it....and then decided to come here and complalin.  If you had even 5minutes of research on the game, you would have known that this is not a a game meant to appeal to the mainstream audience at all. It's your own damn fault for not liking it, don't blame the game on your own stupid mistake. Overall..... Stalker was *exactly* what I expected and met all of my expectations after years of waiting for it to finally be released. If I had to make some complaints about the game, it would be about the bugs.... However the game is still 100% playable and very entertaining.
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#4 Frozzik
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Another thing i'd like to say is you can take out enemies in different ways. I remember trying to take out a camp of bandits in a very direct way with a machine gun and grenades. I died twice. I then waited until dark and got myself a silenced pistol. I managed to take out nearly the whole camp using stealth before i was spotted by the few remaining bandits. I love this type of thing in games.
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#5 funkmail
Member since 2005 • 50 Posts
Ok, for me I'd say that the GFX weren't the greatest, So I reskinned the guns looks a bit better, there are a few mods out there that make it look a bit better. On the first mission you do get a gun when you talk to Wolf in the first encampment. The first mission is hard as the gun you are using seems to only be as powerful as a pee-shooter. Once you get a better gun it becomes a lot easier. In this game you can't just spray n pray, you aim for the head and the enemy will go down. also check the guns accuracy range as trying to shoot someone from 100m with a pistol will be hell difficult. BTW I have only heard ppl say that it is more of a FPS than an RPG. I enjoyed Oblivion as well so maybe you just don't like that type of game.
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#6 grisibur
Member since 2004 • 600 Posts

Isn't stalker supposed to be and RPG like experience in a FPS mode?

If it isn't I have been terribly wrong and must shoot myself in the foot. 


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#7 MindlessTeef
Member since 2003 • 1392 Posts

Graphics... The X-Ray engine is one of the better game engines in a while,can scale to lower end PC's and has the best use of Dynamic Lighting so far in a game. Some poor textures (especially weapons) though that should be patched in the future.

Gameplay... Stalker has RPG elements remember... most RPG's (like NWN2) still relies on text based conversations, otherwise the game would get to big (audio takes up lots of MB's). As for combat... the game uses realisticly (for a game) modelled bullet balistics... Shooting is a skill in Stalker, it's not a run-and-gun FPS like Doom3. After some practise with the differant weapons I started taking enemies out by the hundreds! My brother is a cop (South Africa's version of S.W.A.T) and he loves the combat becuase it feels, to him, like real life combat... and he would know, he's been in more than a few firefights...

Story... incoherent!? After only 30 minutes!? It's like watching the 1st 30 minutes of, say, Lord of the Rings and saying "This makes no sense!" The story is rather cool actually...

You are of course intitled not to like Stalker... but I think you had NO idea what you where getting yourself into when you bought. Next time, read up on a game before you buy it.

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#8 SuperBeast
Member since 2002 • 13229 Posts

Isn't stalker supposed to be and RPG like experience in a FPS mode?

If it isn't I have been terribly wrong and must shoot myself in the foot.


Stalker doesn't really have any *traditional* RPG elemements in the game as some people may expect. You interact with NPCs via a RPGish window (Think of an updated Fallout dialog screen)... You can choose quests to take for different rewards...Then of course you have an inventory and can change a few of your stats if equip certain artifacts, but nothing permanent.

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#9 BounceDK
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I loved it. But if you only played it for 30 minutes then obviously you haven't even tried the game yet.
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#10 pmqz
Member since 2003 • 78 Posts


Not impressed at all with stalker. 


What's with the mindless running around aimlessly while getting back an artifact to another person? Really bored me. 

Stopped playing even though I'm more than 3 quater through.  

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#11 Unamed_Hero_05
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

i found stalker to b highly impressive, the graphics aren't bad for an engine that is atleast a yr old. the game play is pretty intense the realistic ballistics make gunfights difficult and fun again. as far as the rpg elements, i'm satisfied with to an extent. the one thing they could've and should've included was a some sort of a character progression system (leveling up in other words). it would make sense because this is an exetremely open ended game, with alot to explore. if had to score this game i'd give it an 8 out of 10, flawed but otherwise great.

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#12 indzman
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To TC , Stalker is awesome ( after i patched it ) . Make sure , u patch the game.Hope it helps .
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#13 jokerdk
Member since 2005 • 289 Posts

I thought that I would just tell you how good is the game, but I ended writing a hole review. So I am not going to add it in here.

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#14 monco59
Member since 2007 • 2473 Posts
Good idea, half-assed execution. I'm sure it will get better once patches come out tho.
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#15 fphatman
Member since 2003 • 227 Posts

GRAPHICS - You can't expect a game that began development at-least 7 years ago to look much better than any other game that began development at the same time. Though, I admit the requirements for the game are steep.

GAMEPLAY - if you want focus, ignore the side quests and just play the main story, there is more voice acting done by the main story npcs. I think I remember starting with a pistol, but I might be wrong. Armor would be the reason you can unload a clip into an enemy from a couple feet away and not kill him, and the reason he kills you in one shot is because he is smart enough to take the easy head-shot.

STORY - Not completely incoherent, you just need to pay a little bit of attention to see through the sometimes confusing thickly accented dialogue, the story is actually pretty transparent.

I can tell you don't care for RPGs, if you did, you'd know the only RPG elements in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the side quests, which can be ignored anyway, and the inventory system which is sweet, and the fact that you can buy and sell ITEMS, but who uses that feature in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. anyway? It's a very realistic fps, and it's not for people who aren't very good at fps.

I'll admit the games several flaws, but it come with a fair price tag, so you definitely get your money's worth


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#16 fphatman
Member since 2003 • 227 Posts
you'd better shoot yourself in the foot
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#17 Hardcore_81
Member since 2006 • 742 Posts
I liked it, overall. Though felt a little too non-linear for this kinda game. The one thing that truly annoyed me is that u have to walk wherever u need to go; too many big areas for that.
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Member since 2006 • 12901 Posts
Great game, awful awful optimisation, I should be able to max this game out with my specs, but struggle with object dynamic lighting............
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#19 onemic
Member since 2003 • 5616 Posts
STALKER is just a complete dissapointment. Especially for people who have been watching the game since it was first announced. Damn you GSC.....