dawn of war 2 beta first glance.

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#1 aura_enchanted
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in short this post is about my experiences in the days of dawn of war, so far u get 6 maps (4 single player 2 multiplayer), u get all races and i am happy to say all the stock army paints are there n complete (u get all the founding chapters + blood ravens) which is nice, unit limit in the beta was limited but it still made it very fun.

day 1:

at times this game feels like dawn of war escpecially when your in a major firefight, but when your doing other things it begins to feel more like warhammer 40k:squad command, its as if they lifted the playstle and passive play from squad command added better visuals and audio and gave us the unit production and combat we've come to expect from dawn of war. providing they fix a significant number of over/underpowerment bugs in certain character i can see it going to be a very successful game. examples of overpowerment are force commander and apothecary being 100% useful and combat effective but the techmarine is a panzy with a mechanical arm who wont move the second some cries "gunfire!"

m.ost exciting things i did on day one: ran over some orks with a rhino then followed it up with wiping enemy armor from the field with a single predeator.

worst thing in day 1: discovering i needed both steam and a windows live account to play online.

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#2 stike22
Member since 2009 • 3401 Posts
So its good? YES! I knew it! just watching the firefights reminds me of playing dawn of war 1 again, I knew it would feel like that again only better. They seemed to know what they were doing but how good is the music? And does it lag at all?
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#3 clyde46
Member since 2005 • 49061 Posts
Can I still get into the beta?
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#4 darkfox101
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Is it like CoH with DoW feel? Thats what I reallly want to know.
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#5 machine_B
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I've only played a few games but they've all been good experiences. First time I didn't have a clue! what was going on, because it feels pretty different to DOW. Basically you have a couple of squads under your command and you need to be very tactical about what you do with them and the limited resources you have. The only way to get more troops is to get resources and the only way to get them is to capture points, but you can't throw 100 troops blindly into capturing a point like in DOW because cover plays a very large role in battle, similar to CoH, plus your resources, and thus, troops are limited. Basically you advance slowly and make sure every move counts, and you'll often find that what you do with your commander can make or break a battle. Once you get resources, because they are limited, it really makes you think hard about your strategy and where to spend those points - do you upgrade your base to unlock vehicles, or buy more squads, or upgrade the squads you already have? You can't do all of them so you have to assess the battle and make a decision. In comparison to DOW: the last game I just played in the DOW 2 beta the enemy team turtled and threw out a few big heavy units to try and smash our points, but because we had been earning resources by capturing points and being smart with our advances and not turlting we were able to counter-attack with a much larger force and on top of that use special abilities such as orbital bombardment (which was purrrrdy). So basically, if you turtle you die. At last, justice! As far as GFWL goes, meh. Its not too bad, but given the choice I would kick that piece of crap out of the multiplayer right away. If there is going to be one unified online service, I hope its not GFWL, just for the fact its based on a console MP system, its way to 'cuddly-looking', there is no server browser (you ahve to use 'true skill matchmaking' and yeah I just can't be arsed with making a profile when I already have one on Steam - kinda a dumb move there by THQ. They host the beta on Steam, which already has all the MP services in place (and are far better than GFWL) but they chose to go with MS :\ I'm guessing because they want to sell DLC off the market place but hey that's another discussion. So far I'm too busy enjoying the beta to care!
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#6 Deihmos
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I don't like the fact that it has open mic. Other than that I think the game is a blast and looking forward to playing coop campaign. I am glad they got rid of the online multiplayer component they used in Company of Heroes.
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#7 aura_enchanted
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okay yes u can still join the beta, yes its fun, it does remind me of CoH however i feel they leaned to far towards squad command to try n keep it true to licensce. maps are tiny in comparison to DoW1 but then again i only saw 2 of its multi user team maps, audio is frigging awsome and they have a sweet announcer to make u aware of stuff.

the character noises like what they say is borderline brilliant ranging from scouts scream "today we join our brothers" to the high pitch howls of basic tyranid units. and you will be happy to know they do them alot of justice u will just be dissappointed to note that u cant have a fex and a hive lord as there 2 seperate heros unless your playing 3 vs 3.

u can each AI enemey to a different difficulty ranging from dumb easy to insanely hard allowing for greater npc balancing if u like a fair comp stomp.here are the heros:

tech marine, force commander, apothecary

carniflex, hive lord, tunneler

warboss, commando, mecha boss??

warlock, farseer, warp spider exarch

u will be happy to note that transport like rhino and wartrukk make a return and can actually fight back making them invalulable infantry slayers. game has some mild lag issues escpecially in firefights and ill pulkl a yougamers and say having an 8000 series or better nivida card or 3000 series ati card would be for the best as its laggy on its stock settings for even those a little. game does look much better than CoH imo and u have persistent damage on your armor on very high, meaning u will get pockmarks and paint scratches n such a very cool touch i tested this as it got laggy a bit, what some people say is true no buildings and it takes ages to build the bes tof units but those units pack awsome punches for the wait.

if i had to notice 3 draw backs its low requisition rate and some commanders are more durable than others, and the cover system though effective quickly dissipates the second they haul armor overand knock it down.

i ive it a 90/100 a great game true to form with ample to do in it, if they fix what issues it has before relase it will surely surpass DoW 1 and land itself a GoTY robbing blizzard blindly of its argueably spotless record.

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#8 stike22
Member since 2009 • 3401 Posts
aura enchanted thank you! NO REALLY THANK YOU! ...uhh..(slow tears)...uhh...You have brought hope back to the gaming world! (me!) Lol. Thanx for posting.
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#9 thusaha
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That sounds nice.
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#10 clyde46
Member since 2005 • 49061 Posts
Ok, sorry if I'm being a noob here but I cant find out how to get in. When I try and google DoW2 beta, all I get is old news. Has anyone got a link for it?
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#11 aura_enchanted
Member since 2006 • 7942 Posts

That sounds nice.thusaha

thats not a very funny photo...

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#12 aura_enchanted
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to join DoW2 beta right now today u log into steam add your soulstorm via your CD key as activating a product on steam, when its finished with it u will get the option to download n play DoW2 beta aststaed above u need a windows live/xbox live/ hotmail account to play online but after that its good to go. imo needing two accounts and not having it count to your XBL account for anything is a bit of a let down but i wont cause a ruckus over it.
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#13 lucky326
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I'm quite enjoying the game, the fact Base Building has pretty much been nearly killed is a good idea in my opinion. I found myself focusing more on combat and which were the right upgrades for the units I was sending to the locations needed. Much more tactical which I much more enjoy than the base building. I was also surprised to see my system manage the graphics on a range between Low-High and play decently as well.
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#14 aura_enchanted
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for those who play the tabletop, this plays alot like how a vary complex campaign game would turn out which is a good thing. i could fight someone and then write a battle report on it like what ud read in white dwarf (rogue trade/GW magazine).
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#15 vitriolboy
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Forgot this was out today - I'll have to switch to Windows and download it
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#16 machine_B
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You need to have a Soulstorm key to play now, just to let you know. The beta doesn't go fully public until the 28th.
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#17 aura_enchanted
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day 2 of my beta:

tried out the eldar today and i must say i am impressed with how well they integrated the webway without making it seem like a cheesy way of making you build stuff, is a bit of a let down that there two stongest units will not see combat often (avatar of khaine and seer council) due to their high cost, but i imagine them to be simply terrifying when unleashed. eldrich storm is back and i must say will kick the ass of the ones its replacing anyday of the week. what limited wargear they had for the beta is useful and i know ppl will learn to love them alot.

i attempted ork today aswell ork have an amazing assortment of useful units and there ability in melee combat certainly fits the description of a broad shouldered green savage with a pointy stick. i finally see the danger behind them but wish there units werent so inexpensive i see them in the future being used to base rush with wave of green. but there armor is amazingly potent against infantry and havent run out of laughs as it runs over stuff and belching smoke out of its exhaust pipe like some kind of hillbilly cart of doom. the hq is a very appropriate as it resembles a throw togeather shack with some kind of teleport gun and the turrets from the mech boy (3rd hero) is super useful in a bind or when u want to catch foes in a crossfire. they have sum veru potent later units but the cheap inexpensive units that initially get are too useful that some players probably wont even bother with such classics as the armored nob.

this has been a day of much humbling as i took the eldar to multiplayer 1 vs 1 and had my ass handed too me by a superior nids player ill investigate them tomorrow. from what i can see i am quite pleased. game-workshop would be proud of the way this game has turned out. i could literally write a novel alone on battles ive had but wont get the chance too i feel as i'll be too busy playing to recall what ive done, the game is getting a little shaky lag wise but im bearing the storm and still having a blast ill be extatic when it stands on its own two feet.

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#18 futs22
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I'm definitely liking what I've just read in this thread. Cover system, more focus on unit usage instead of churning out mass quantities of units, hero/commander units, less base building, etc. Although the gameplay is a departure from the old system, I definitely welcome it. Looks like THQ is adapting this new method of RTS gaming since they also have done the same with Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor.

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#19 aaronmullan
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I'm definitely liking what I've just read in this thread. Cover system, more focus on unit usage instead of churning out mass quantities of units, hero/commander units, less base building, etc. Although the gameplay is a departure from the old system, I definitely welcome it. Looks like THQ is adapting this new method of RTS gaming since they also have done the same with Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor.

I have to admit, I was very sceptic about the change. After just two games, I can tell it's going to be a great, great game.
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#20 aura_enchanted
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my post dropped off page 1 :( :cry:
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#21 aura_enchanted
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day 3:

i played the tyranids today and hot dang there fun, i spent forever just watching a pair of long saved for carnifex's load up and then shipout fistfuls of hurt, they successfully took on 7 razorback transports and won, just a pair of em. they stomped shot and hacked there way through about everything thrown at em and gave me time to collect an army large enuff to crush my opponents base, there damn frightening. there abilities are all amazing but i found there base units to be too disposable to keep around until u had hardened enough support to back them up. i found the lictor to be good and the hive tyrant to be just devestating when left to his own devices. there spore mines do a bang on job of removing more serious obstacles for a very meager cost. if they designed the other armies around the same resource costs as the tyranids i can see it being one of the most skillz games around. i see it most likely joining the games 2 play list next to warcraft 3, CS, half life, doom, and quake 2. its just unexpliainable the other armies are clunky to build but the orks and tyranids are just the nail on the head what can i say. i will be happy to give this an early grade in the multiplayer department of a 9/10. bang on job just need to pick up the slack a little on the other two armies.

i tested the AI today and found it to be quite umm interesting. basically each has its own playstyle it works like this:

easy: turtleing AI

normal: average hit and run enemy, but turtles his armor

hard: a very difficult foe excelling at multipronged strikes, isnt afraid to use his special abilites

insane: almost like playing a real person a well balanced player exceling at multidirectional flanking and routing. will use his special abilites and kit out his units almost immideately. but has some issues now and again as it attempts to immitate its lower tier cousins. but then normally resumes his old self.

i tried insane 1 on 1 and he just destroyed my army at every opportunity, like i often had the advantage of numbers and still found myself getting pummeled by his ability to work around you or disrupt your focus.

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#22 DukeEdwardI
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aura_enchanted, thank you for your impressions of the game. they have made me all the more excited to try out the beta and eventually pick up the game. while i am looking forward to this game, i have not had much experience with DoW1 or CoH (i own both only because they were at such a fantastic price i couldn't pass up), and i fear that this inexperience with Relic's other RTS game will lead to some very humiliating online matches and day after day of frustration. Have you run into any jerks thus far? Or has the community been fairly mature when it comes to 1v1 and 3v3s? Also, what tips would you (or anybody here who has played the beta) give to newcomers so we can actually be of some use to our teammates?
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#23 stike22
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Yeh I'm back, nice description of the A.i. honestly though I think I am just going to play insane mode at first just to see how badly I get my hole handed back to me. Glad to hear the A.i. is smarter then the fisrt dawn of wars, and just out of interest are there any snow levels, I'm sorry to ask but snow or rain effects are my favorite. God, I can't wait! Again thanx aura enchanted.
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#24 aura_enchanted
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right now all we got is desert and jungle and urban environments so no snow at this time, it it not there ever, cant say
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#25 stike22
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Oh well thats okay, I love the new effects in the game and they will probaly add new terrain in future expansions. And isn't there 3 planets I know the jungle one, the city one and the desert like one, what they like? Do you think that eldar getting their war god is fair? and are the eldar as irritating as before? Personally in the last game they were easy but incredibly annoying they never seemed to be completely dead, so are the Eldar the same in DoW2 as they were in DoW1 now that the base building isn't strong?
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#26 deactivated-59d151f079814
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From what I have seen of the game, is the game seems relatively shallow.. There needs to be some serious fine tuning in the game, because from what I hear is the tech tree isn't varied enough.. It is a straight path.. I am downloading the game as we speak.. IF YOU WANT THE BETA GO TO EUROGAMER.COM AND SIGN UP an account there for a free key to play the beta!
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#27 ag3ntz3rox0x
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EVERYONE WHO ID FREAKING OUT SAYING THE GAME is shallow or there arnt enough units and blah blah blah.. remember its just the beta. there might be a few things in the full game that there not showing us. i love the game even though it is very different from dow 1.
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#28 stike22
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I already have a key, I have soulstorm but I want to wait or by the time the actual game comes out it will be dead and I won't buy it until an expansion comes out...which won't be for ages.
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#29 deactivated-59d151f079814
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EVERYONE WHO ID FREAKING OUT SAYING THE GAME is shallow or there arnt enough units and blah blah blah.. remember its just the beta. there might be a few things in the full game that there not showing us. i love the game even though it is very different from dow 1.ag3ntz3rox0x
Hence why I said it looks shallow, I want this game to suceed but this seems a pretty serious problem they need to fix imo.. But who knows I am downloading the beta as we speak so I will have a first peson perspetive onit.
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#30 aura_enchanted
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[QUOTE="ag3ntz3rox0x"]EVERYONE WHO ID FREAKING OUT SAYING THE GAME is shallow or there arnt enough units and blah blah blah.. remember its just the beta. there might be a few things in the full game that there not showing us. i love the game even though it is very different from dow 1.sSubZerOo
Hence why I said it looks shallow, I want this game to suceed but this seems a pretty serious problem they need to fix imo.. But who knows I am downloading the beta as we speak so I will have a first peson perspetive onit.

there isnt a tech tree period really, what tech there is is unit upgrades and like 3 other upgrades to get more of them oh my so amazing, having next to no tech tree is great, it means no complex buy items A) B) C) to get desired vehicle X it means buy this then u get that done no funny buisness, if u have next to no tech tree it prvents unfair advantages as a result not having enough resources they also did this for the slow resource gather rate.

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#31 aura_enchanted
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aura_enchanted, thank you for your impressions of the game. they have made me all the more excited to try out the beta and eventually pick up the game. while i am looking forward to this game, i have not had much experience with DoW1 or CoH (i own both only because they were at such a fantastic price i couldn't pass up), and i fear that this inexperience with Relic's other RTS game will lead to some very humiliating online matches and day after day of frustration. Have you run into any jerks thus far? Or has the community been fairly mature when it comes to 1v1 and 3v3s? Also, what tips would you (or anybody here who has played the beta) give to newcomers so we can actually be of some use to our teammates?DukeEdwardI

okay use every unit to its fullest dont throw it away because it happens to be the cheapest u can buy a hero and 3 scouts can take out a tank, if your playing a builder unit like ork mech or tecmarine place turrets behind cover near strategic points this will slow there capture considerably. turrets have a limited direction of fire learn to estimate where they cant hit you to plan an attack from that direction, learn to fight for and control every point u can, we do have access to NPC's so u can experiment a little with this, finally shop wise with your resources because resource gather rates are slow, a bit too slow people suggest it get a little faster and i agree but nowhere near the old gather rates from DoW. Use transports wisely they can be used to both reinforce nearby units and to provide anti-infantry support which can be invalulable. your commander is good but not invincible think of him as a unit meybe 2-3 steps down from the ones in warcraft3 he packs a good punch but shouldnt be left on his own knowing hell make it out. finally have fun, if it gets to frustrating put it down dont pull an angry german kid.

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#32 stike22
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I was glad to hear the transports are better and can attack, I remember DoW1 the rhino was completely worthless. And what is the maxium number of units? And have you experienced a level up, whats it like?
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#33 Redmoonxl2
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I've played the beta since it opened up, and 60 matches later, I can safely say that this game is basically Warcraft 3 and CoH mixed together...without the complexity...and depth...and lasts 5 to 10 minutes each match...and is 3v3 focused...and is totally micro focused.

Not sure what to think of this game. On one hand, the game is very fun and fast to play, the presentation is cool, and the balance is better than anything Relic has put out. I also love that Relic has made power very important that you need to fight for it, or suffer being outteched/outmanned. Its that kind of economic urgency I felt was missing in both DoW and CoH. However, on the other hand, DoW2's lack of depth and complexity will prevent any longevity in 1v1 matches, the unit/upgrade selection is extremely limited, teching has been dumbed down, and the sheer speed of the game will push away the people Relic was trying to reach out (casual RTS players). Seriously, everything dies so fast, you'll be hard pressed to actually pay attention to every skirmish on the map.

As I stated before, every game design choice clearly points to where the future of DoW2 will lie; In the 3v3 battle system. Not only do you have a much larger map to play with (the two 1v1 maps in beta are pathetically small), but the matches last twice to three times longer. Due to the 3v3's match length, the game rewards you by allowing you the time to play with unit combinations, terrain placement, and it increases the scale of the battles to true Warhammer proportions.

This is beta, so the final product may be entirely different. However, DoW2's changes may disappoint tons of Relic fans who were hoping for a deeper and updated version of DoW and CoH. I feel that Relic missed the opportunity of improving their RTS design, instead trying to be as unique as possible by focusing on the combat moreso than the wealth of options normally present in most RTS games.
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#34 schu
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I find its interface to be hideous and unpolished..the game itself is sort of fun but overall it just lacks the polish that blizzard games have