Scott Walker suspends his presidential campaign

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#1 Drunk_PI
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Washington (CNN)Scott Walker announced Monday he is dropping out of the GOP presidential race.

The Wisconsin governor entered the primary in July as a front-runner in Iowa and a darling of both the conservative base and powerful donors after winning battles against public unions in his left-leaning home state. But that promising start was quickly dashed after poor debate performances dried up support from donors.

"Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive, conservative message can rise to the top of the field. With this in mind, I will suspend my campaign immediately," Walker said at a news conference in Madison, Wisconsin.

He encouraged other trailing Republican candidates to follow his path.

"I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner," said Walker, referencing businessman Donald Trump. "This is fundamentally important to the future of our party, and, more important, the future of the country."

The governor called some of his top supporters earlier Monday afternoon informing them of his decision, according to one Walker insider. This person said Walker's recent plummet in the polls was a big factor in his decision-making.

He sounded "upbeat," they said, and his message to supporters was, "I did the best I could."

Walker made "the Pawlenty decision," one strategist said, referring to former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's 2011 decision to drop out before piling up considerable debt.

This decision came as no surprise to people working in Madison, one of whom described the last several weeks as "agony."

Moving forward, Walker said the best use of his and the party's time would be to dedicate all resources to the eventual nominee.

Walker's exit comes 10 days after former Texas Gov. Rick Perry became the first Republican to drop out of the 2016 race. It indicates the start of a winnowing process of a field that once numbered 17 candidates -- many of whom have struggled to gain oxygen in a summer in which headlines and polls have been dominated by Trump. With Walker's departure, the field stands at 15 candidates.

22 photos: Scott Walker's career

The New York Times first reported Walker's plans to drop out. Those intentions were confirmed to CNN by a senior campaign official, a GOP strategist close to the campaign, and a senior GOP adviser with knowledge of his plans.

Walker rocketed to the front of the GOP pack in Iowa after a rousing speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January -- and subsequently, his campaign pinned its hopes on the first state to vote in the presidential nominating process.

But Walker was hurt by lackluster performances in the first two Republican debates. And his poll numbers suffered: In a CNN/ORC poll released Sunday, Walker failed to garner even one-half of 1% nationally among likely GOP primary voters.

A GOP strategist close to the campaign told CNN that Walker "is a pragmatist above all else and just didn't see the path to a comeback."

The strategist also said that the Walker campaign left last week's CNN debate feeling alright, but quickly realized the outside reaction was flat at best. This source added that the national polling drop was troubling but it was the collapse in Iowa that hit hardest, as that state was to serve as "our launchpad."

"Hard to see a path for us without Iowa," one source said.

There had always been hope in the Walker campaign that Trump supporters were not active caucus-goers, the source said, but it was hard to fight the popularity of both front-runner Trump and Ben Carson.

Walker was also hurt by reversals on a host of controversial issues -- including birthright citizenship, on which he gave three different answers in the span of seven days. Those reversals were particularly damaging to his outsider image as non-politicians like Trump, Carson and Carly Fiorina climbed the polls.

Walker delayed entering the campaign in part to raise money for his super PAC, which posted a $20 million haul in the first half of 2015.

But once it launched, the campaign appeared to be bedeviled by a lack of hard dollars that it needed to pay staff, travel the country and pay filing fees to state parties. It will not be known how much money the Walker campaign raised -- or how quickly it burned through it -- until October 15, when the federal campaign finance reports are made public.

"The money dried up -- and it dried up right after the Cleveland debate, and we never could get it back," a source close to Walker said of the August 6 debate.

The super PAC will "wind down our existing efforts and return remaining resources to supporters," according to a spokesman for the group.

Aimee Locke, a top Texas fundraiser for Walker, said she got no advance notice from the campaign, but said people in her network began to worry as CNN's new poll results showed Walker with less than 1% support nationally.

"We were told that they were going to be some changes made, but we had no idea that this was the change that was going to be made," she said.

Walker's exit is now almost certain to set off a fierce scramble for his big-money backers, led by the Ricketts family that has emerged as one of the GOP's most powerful financial contributors. Todd Ricketts, the campaign's finance chair, was scheduled to host a fundraiser for Walker in New York on Thursday.

Trump complimented Walker on Twitter after the news of his decision broke.

"I got to know @ScottWalker well -- he's a very nice person and has a great future," he said.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, also a GOP presidential contender, said Walker made the decision that was "best for him and his family."

"You are down to 15. You got three basketball teams. The bottomline is Scott made a decision best for him and his family," Graham said. "He's a very accomplished governor and it shows you just how hard it is running with this many people. That's what it shows."

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka had some choice words for Walker -- best known for his anti-union efforts.

"Scott Walker is still a disgrace, just no longer national," Trumka said.

Well... Didn't see that coming. Any thoughts?

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#3  Edited By whipassmt
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Richard Trumka's comment was rude and unnecessary.

I considered making a topic on Walker suspending his campaign, so I could joke that Walker is no longer running, just walking (after all he's not a runner, he's a walker), but I decided not to bother.

I don't know about these CNN ORC polls, I mean wouldn't it make more sense to poll people than to poll Orcs? Who cares what the orcs think, they don't exactly live in representative democracies, do they?

In all seriousness though, I don't think Walker did bad in the debates, i think it was more an issue that he just didn't receive a lot of questions and chances to gain much coverage for himself (same goes for Huckabee). With that many candidates up on stage it sames like the big names - Bush, Trump, Paul - got most of the attention.

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#4 Master_Live
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See? It all sorts itself out. People just need to lighten up and enjoy the ride.

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#5 Master_Live
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In other news:

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#6 AlexKidd5000
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Scott who?

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#7 deactivated-57d8401f17c55
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The Koch's asked for their money back

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#8 Drunk_PI
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@whipassmt:That's a good joke... I'm stealing that joke. :P Considering Scott Walker's anti-union efforts, obviously he's going to be mad about him. Honestly, even with Scott Walker's and Jeb Bush's gaffes, I considered them serious contenders for the GOP. Of course, there are a few others like Kasich, but I always though Walker had a chance. I guess not.


She's still far behind. She still needs to overtake Bush, Carson, and Cruz and even then, Trump is still enjoying a very good lead.

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#9 whipassmt
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@drunk_pi said:

@whipassmt:That's a good joke... I'm stealing that joke. :P Considering Scott Walker's anti-union efforts, obviously he's going to be mad about him. Honestly, even with Scott Walker's and Jeb Bush's gaffes, I considered them serious contenders for the GOP. Of course, there are a few others like Kasich, but I always though Walker had a chance. I guess not.


She's still far behind. She still needs to overtake Bush, Carson, and Cruz and even then, Trump is still enjoying a very good lead.

Oh yeah, obviously Trumka's going to have issues with Walker, but I still don't think he should have made that comment. I think the unions are going to have to get used to different states moving over to voluntary rather than mandatory unionism, and the unions have to make themselves more attractive to potential members.

Walker probably would have had a good chance (and we all make gaffes so that's not really a big issue), but there were so many other candidates and it was hard for Walker to stand out. Also if he "suspends" his campaign, does he still retain the option of potentially restarting it in the future?

I wasn't particularly impressed with Fiorina, and I don't think she won the debate. I was most impressed by Christie and Jeb at the debate. Rubio is looking like he'd make a good secretary of state, but maybe he'll still win the nomination. I wouldn't be surprised if someone else won the nomination and went on to appoint Rubio as secretary of state after winning the presidency.

I did have a dream - not in the sense of a desire, I mean a literal sleep dream, last week in which Cruz won the election (I think the presidency, though maybe it was just the nomination, I don't remember exactly).

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#10 deactivated-5b1e62582e305
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"Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race"

buahahahaha. This is what delusion looks like. I'm sure your 0.5% of votes is going to help!

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#11 Master_Live
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@drunk_pi said:

She's still far behind. She still needs to overtake Bush, Carson, and Cruz and even then, Trump is still enjoying a very good lead.

It isn't about Fiorina, but about Trump. Until now he had only risen in the polls, yet in this poll, and stressing that this is only one point of data, it has demonstrated that just like every other politician he is susceptible to political gravity.

But no need to rush, everything will sort itself out. Long time away from Iowa (February 1st).

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#13 dragonfly110
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Good riddance, besides Trump I think Walker was probably the shittiest candidate in the GOP.

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#14 Serraph105
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I'm not usually quite so callous about these things, but it's Scott Walker so all I have to say is sayonara asshole.

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#15 whipassmt
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@Serraph105: Be nice. Walker might be a very nice man, you've never met him, you never know.

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#16 Serraph105
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@whipassmt: I watched him make it harder for middle class people in his state to ban together to get raises and better benefits. People like teachers and nurses. Walker can f*** right off.

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#17 Gaming-Planet
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Scott Walker wanted to build a beautiful wall around the Canadian border!

Now we can't rid of the very few Canadian immigrants that make their way past to Murrica that want to experience our prosperous nation.

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#18 mattbbpl
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@Serraph105: Those things just got in the way of lifting all the boats. If the workers work for less, then that leaves more money in the hands of the job creators to do what they do.

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#19 whipassmt
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@Gaming-Planet: No, he doesn't want a wall at the northern border. That has been debunked.

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#20 Serraph105
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@whipassmt said:

@Gaming-Planet: No, he doesn't want a wall at the northern border. That has been debunked.

More like an issue he waffled on than "debunked". Debunked suggests that someone spread a rumor, and he corrected the record. This is more of him saying one thing and backtracking on it a couple of days later.

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#21 whipassmt
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@Serraph105: From what I remember he was misinterpreted. He didn't really say he wanted the wall, but it sounded like it because he was talking about something else when someone mentioned the wall.

As regards the unionism issue, I wouldn't say he was being a jerk, you're just disagreeing with his political decision. He did what he thought would help stimulate the economy and balance the state budget. It may have made it harder for some folks, but I don't think it's fair to impugn his character over that. It's just like in my state, we have budget difficulties, so the state raised taxes in 2011 and again this year. The higher taxes are of course a hardship to most people, and probably hurtful to the overall economy of the state, but I wouldn't say that our governor was being a jerk. He was just doing what he thought was best for the state given the options before him. So I don't think it's fair to dislike Walker personally just because you don't agree with some of his policies.

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#22 deactivated-5b78379493e12
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Great, now he's back in our state to screw it up some more. And now he's pissed and planning on 2020.

I would hope that embarrassing himself on the national stage would humble him, but an egotistical, carer politician who never takes losing well won't be a barrel of laughs.

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#23 fenriz275
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He's that lame Star Wars figure you only bought so your collection would be complete. These gop folks need to stop thinking they all should be president. At some point it's going to be simpler to tell people which republican politicians aren't running for president then those who are.

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#24  Edited By Serraph105
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@whipassmt: I'm pretty sure I can dislike a person for whatever I want. Making it harder for thousands/millions of people to get raises seems like a pretty damn good reason to me. I'm glad he failed to get the nomination, and I'm glad he lost to an idiot like Trump.

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#25 deactivated-5b1e62582e305
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@whipassmt said:

As regards the unionism issue, I wouldn't say he was being a jerk, you're just disagreeing with his political decision. He did what he thought would help stimulate the economy and balance the state budget. It may have made it harder for some folks, but I don't think it's fair to impugn his character over that. It's just like in my state, we have budget difficulties, so the state raised taxes in 2011 and again this year. The higher taxes are of course a hardship to most people, and probably hurtful to the overall economy of the state, but I wouldn't say that our governor was being a jerk. He was just doing what he thought was best for the state given the options before him. So I don't think it's fair to dislike Walker personally just because you don't agree with some of his policies.

lmao wow

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#26  Edited By -God-
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I hope Trump wins the Republican candidacy, and crushes these conservative idiots under the heels of his boot.