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#1 TazmanianDiablo
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts
Heyy can someone suggest some good online wifi GAMES for wii cuz i jus got it up online and want to play some people i know brawl,gh3,mario kart but is there others?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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#2 fitootif
Member since 2005 • 883 Posts
Songs??? don't you mean games?? o.^
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#3 WiiMan21
Member since 2007 • 8191 Posts
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, Mario Strikers Charged, Pokemon Battle: Revolution, Madden 08, Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Battalion Wars 2, and a few Wiiware games should have it. Thats the only ones I can think of on the top of my head.
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#4 TazmanianDiablo
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts
LOL yesss GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry bout thatttttt
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#5 ms-fable
Member since 2008 • 741 Posts
Battalion wars 2 didn't have good online
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#6 bobbyj124
Member since 2007 • 27 Posts

I think the most fun i've had online has been with mario strikers, and i'm not at all a fan of's really fun and way deeper than you'd expect. Me and my friends at college thought we were really good at it after about a week and then we tried playing people online and got destroyed, thats when we realized how deep the game is. There are so many tricks and special stratagies you need to learn and run perfectly to score goals online. The striker cup mode is also entertaining if you play on insane.

Obviously mario kart is really good online, however it disappoints me bc whenever i play it online i wonder why brawl couldn't work the same way. Nintendo really dropped the ball on BRAWL imo bc the main thing that was added to the game (besides characters) was online play and it did not live up to expectations. Only being able to play 2 minute time battles with strangers is unacceptable, there should at least be on option to play with 4 lives. Of course, what I expected from brawl's online was to have user created "rooms" in a traditional lobby format, where players can create a game (choosing # of lives, stages, items, special brawls, etc) and then others can join those games and play with those rules. Why wasn't this done!? With that being said, i do enjoy playing online with friend codes but its still not at all comparable to mario kart (which has its own channel for tournaments and ghosts!)

MOHH2 is a pretty fun game, but its just OK online. Most of the time there are too many people in the game for such a small map and enemies will spawn behind you often while your targeting another opponent (say, with a sniper). Also way too many people camp inside doorways and such, which is just plain annoying. Also you will often run into cheaters who just won't die no matter how much they are shot. I once saw to players on opposing teams standing 3 feet away from eachother emptying round after round into the other person's skull, AND NEITHER DIED!

GH is okay online but its hard to find games with random people that are equal skill level with you. I absolutely hate playing expert against someone who plays on medium, or sometimes even easy! But, I mostly play GH with friend codes against ppl i know, so it's really fun for that. Online co-op is fun every now and then.

In short, I would say if you don't have them already, get STRIKERS and MARIO KART!!! And if you have 2-3 friends to play with, local multiplayer on BRAWL is unbeatable and does make up for the lack of good online. If you like FPS, then MOH is worth purchasing for the campaign mode and occaisional online enjoyment, but at this point you might just want to hope COD5 or Timesplitters 4 turns out to be our savior for online shooters