New to Wii online: is it worth buying an SD card?

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#1 DCUltrapro
Member since 2009 • 568 Posts

Hi gang, I'm a new online Wii player, I have Monster Hunter Tri and want to get the download content that will eventually become available to the UK. I have a couple of Gamecube memory cards but other than that I only have the internal Memory space. The built in memory is paltry to say the least but you don't really need a lot for the game saves so its no problem but I want to download and use the DLCfor MHT and also am interested in buying some Wiiware titles (or the equivilant to XBLA) etc and wanted to know what the best solution is.

I see info online that theres a firmware upgrade which allows the wii to be compatible with SD cards of capacities up to 32gb but I'm not sure if its worth it if you can only run things from the internal memory. So if I download games and content will I have to constantly move the files to and from the internal memory?

Are there any rumoured plans for nintendo to provide a solution to the increasingly useless internal memory capacity? Even if they just release an update allowing games to save to and from SD cards and to allow games to be ran from there that would be better than nothing! Or is there some plan whereby Nintendo will release a new peripheral or something to help people store more data? I can't think why they only provided the Wii with a 512mb capacity!

Also, as the console has USB slots can you connect and use USB sticks?

Sorry for all the questions, any tips/info would be greatly appreciated.


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#2 CalebCrawdad
Member since 2010 • 30 Posts

The Wii system memory is pretty abundant, and usually, you don't need more than that. But if you plan on buying lots of Wiiware titles and DLC, I suggest investing in an SD card so if, god forbid, your Wii's hardware fails or the console is damaged, you can remove the SD card and still have all the games and DLC you paid for.

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#4 KBFloYd
Member since 2009 • 22714 Posts

no need to spend so much for a 32GB... a 2 or 3 GB card should do you fine.

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#5 elbert_b_23
Member since 2003 • 8247 Posts
if you are planing to download VC or wiigame games then a sd card is needed as for mh3 download content i guess if thats all you will use for download then i don't see the need for one
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#6 aransom
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I've owned a Wii since launch, downloaded many VC games, and I haven't yet bought a SD card. I wouldn't buy one until I need it.

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#7 DCUltrapro
Member since 2009 • 568 Posts

sorry I was simply suggesting that up to 32gb is supported, I will probably get a 4-8 gb card if I do. I'm kinda basing my assumptions on DLC experience from the xbox though, and most if all of the DLC for that machine take up at the very least, 3-5 mb each, some even double that, so I don't see how the Wii's "Abundant" 512mb internal space would hold all of that, but obviously I have never downloaded stuff like this for the wii before so I have no form of reference to go by when it comes working out how much space it all takes up.

I'd be surprised if the content was already a part of the game because I hear rumours that the quests will be quite numerous and the idea is that the game can go on indefinitely (correct me if I'm wrong plz) so I simply cannot see it all fitting on the Wii memory, but I guess I will see when it all comes out.

Aside from the obvious space restrictions, do the SD cards have much in terms of functionallity with the wii? Alot of the info I've read suggests that you can only store data on them, but that the games won't recognise save games so you have to transfer back and forth, is that still correct? And if so, is it the same situation for DLC or can you now run it all direct from the card without having to mess around moving things about? thanks


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#8 ekalbtwin
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I have a 4 gig card for my stuff and it works really well, and as you can get a 1 or 2 gig card for cheap you really cant go wrong. Putting Wii ware and down loaded games on the card is a good idea as you don't have to put them back on the actual wii to play them.

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#9 almossbb
Member since 2008 • 1979 Posts

i would definatly get an SD card for the wii.1Gb is like unlimited memory for it, it gives you almost 8000 blocks! the wii has about 2000 blocks built in. i use my Sd card for the wii shop channel games that i get and to make back up copies of my saves.

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#10 DCUltrapro
Member since 2009 • 568 Posts

Thanks guys, ok so if I get a 4 or 8 gig card (I think I have the latest firmware, I tried to run an update but it says I am up to date) I can store the games and DLC on there without having to move them around? That would be awesome. Then I can just use the internal memory for save files. I don't plan on owning too many games for it. I will be getting Battalion Wars 2, Metroid Prime 3, Tiger Woods 2010, and the Nights game but that might be all I end up getting. Anyway I can't wait for the Monster Hunter Tri DLC, love that game so far! Reminds me so much of PSO from the days on DC lol


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#11 enrique_marrodz
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BTW, I didn't noted if someone else told you but for most "modern" (i.e. GH5) titles and VC/Wiiware content you don't need to move the games from your SD to internal memory, is an automatic process
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#12 DCUltrapro
Member since 2009 • 568 Posts

Yeah the last poster mentioned that you don't need to move content, if you store the games or DLC on your SD card you can access it direct. So that means its only really game saves that you do, right? I need to dig out a list of all Wii online games, as in downloadable games like Sonic etc, wanna see what is available. More interested in the DLC at the moment as I have all the original Sega games on their original consoles anyway lol


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#13 AlmightyDerek
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Yeah you'll definitly need an SD card if you are planning to buy many Wiiware or Virtual Console games. I've filled up half of my 8GB card although a good chunk of it was Guitar Hero songs. You'd probably be fine with a 4GB one. Nintendo at the moment has a DLC size limit of 40mb per file so it does take longer to fill the Wii's internal memory than the other systems hard drive which can have files in the few GB range. It is also easy to fill the internal memory. You really only have about 300mb open after firmware and non removable channels. It only took me about 6 months to do it. Also officially when a game is directly loading from and SD card (with the exception of Guitar Hero 5 and Band Hero) it actually is quickly copying the game to the internal memory where it plays it and then erases it when you are done. It's a seamless process and you won't even know the Wii is doing it but you have to leave at least 400 memory blocks open on the system memory for it to work.

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#14 Vic-Ferrari
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It's worth it if you plan to download a lot of stuff. I have a lot of games from the Wii Shop so it comes in handy for me.
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#15 joebutler18
Member since 2009 • 54 Posts

if you plan to download wii ware games then defo get a sd card i got a 2gb from game store for £15 so there quite cheap aswell

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#16 DCUltrapro
Member since 2009 • 568 Posts

Thanks for the tips guys. I will be buying an SD card when I get paid end of the month, the best offer I saw was £10.99 for an 8gb one on

Does that one look good to you guys? Bloomin cheap! Anyway yeah I shall definitely be downloading some games, one in particular, earthworm jim, has to be done, I have the Mega CD special edition version but have no where to set that up to play at the moment. And also might get Ristar. Not too fussed about the Wiiware games, but the virtual console looks wicked and 8gb should more than cover it. Thanks again


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#17 mariokart64fan
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ill put iteasy for you

if your like me yes get a sd card

if you intend on buying alot of wiigames or wii vc/wiiware games

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#18 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

no need to spend so much for a 32GB... a 2 or 3 GB card should do you fine.


32 Gigs is pretty much a Hard Drive.

If you're like me and like to put a bunch of Pictures or Music or try to put a video on a SD card and mess around the Photo Channel then it's good.

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#19 DCUltrapro
Member since 2009 • 568 Posts

I would be interested in possibly putting media on an SD card but to be fair, theres no point, my 360 is able to share all media on my pc across my network and I don't have a working card reader to get data onto the card, add to that I don't know what formats are supported! I will get an SD card for it because I definitely wanna play some of the virtual console games and the dlc for MHT, I just wish they'd come up with something a bit more straight forward! Anyway I also have a question about adding people to your address book. I have a friends wii number, and I've added him to my address book but can I send him msgs yet if he hasn't added me?

Oh and by the way, if anyone wants to add me crack on, my number is 5288-0601-5034-3313
