Why the poor make bad decisions.

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Edited By kbaily
Member since 2007 • 13042 Posts

#So we all saw this story.


Now let's set aside that I personally can't understand why ANYONE, rich or poor would buy an Xbox One at launch, let alone spend more than retail price on Ebay. But I look at this guy's situation. He's 19 and has a 4 year old kid. So we already know he lacked the intelligence to use a condom when he was partying in high school. I also laughed at the claim it was for his "4 year old son." Seriously what 4 year old wanted an Xbox One. The guy is saying that as a weak attempt to get sympathy for the fact he was scammed on Ebay. But what I look at is that he's a college student with a 4 year old so unless he has rich parents, how on Earth can he afford to spend $750? The article says he "saved up" but I think by that they mean he's prepared to spend the next several months paying his credit card off.

I saw this article: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/11/your-brain-on-poverty-why-poor-people-seem-to-make-bad-decisions/281780/

Basically the article states that many people, despite not having a lot of money will often go out and buy things they probably can't afford because they feel like "hey, it's not like things will ever get better for me, might as well enjoy something fun." I found it amusing how so many said the Wii sold because "poor people bought it" yet a lot of the "casual" Wii owners I knew were folks who owned homes and had good paying jobs where it seemed like 360 and PS3 owners, at least early in the last cycle were the college guys living in dorms, one room apartments or with family. I have a friend who's a big hardcore gamer. He goes nuts whenever there's a Steam Sale, always buys new hardware at launch. He just bought 3 PS4s, the idea being selling 2 on Ebay to make the money to pay for the 3rd one. The thing is, his family is constantly struggling to make ends meet. His wife works at Target. He makes $10 an hour as manager at a pizza shop. They have a kid. A few years ago they were on food stamps. He constantly talks about how tight things are, yet will rush out every time Gamestop has a buy one get one half off sale. I was actually amazed that he recently bought an Xbox One but decided to sell it so he could PAY HIS RENT!! (please calm down and read the whole article before ranting in the comments)

Look I know a whole bunch of you are going to rise up and tell me how you have a great paying job and can afford to spend your money how you see fit. You're right. I totally agree, but bear in mind, there are always consequences to the actions you take. You can skip class to stay home and play Call of Duty, but don't be surprised if you fail the test. You can shell out $600 for an Xbox One on Ebay, but don't act surprised, when the end of the month comes and you can't pay your rent.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy video games or consoles. I'm saying don't make "stupid" decisions. Don't buy stuff you can't afford. Don't let yourself get scammed like our Xboned friend here. This coming generation is scary as we see companies like Microsoft, Activision and EA creeping in more Microtransactions and DLC. Sony's going to make us pay to play online now. Gaming is getting to be a more expensive hobby with each generation and game companies like to think we're as dumb as this guy. That we chase after new shiny things the way a cat goes after a laser dot. Let's prove them wrong.

If you haven't bought a new console yet, I ask that you sit back and really think it over. What games do you really want to play that are coming out in the next six months? Can you play any of these on something you already own and be just fine without AI fish and arm hair? What if the game you want is delayed and you're stuck with an expensive Netflix machine for the next few months?

And most importantly...is it really worth it?

Stay gaming my friends.

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#1  Edited By SaintJimmmy
Member since 2007 • 2815 Posts

Ok i'm sorry man but, for starters "why the poor make bad decisions" is by far the worst topic title you could have chosen for this coming from someone that grew up poor and worked hard to get a well-off financial position i find that incredibly offensive and ignorant.

The roughly 1/4 of this topic that is about gaming makes some really good points.

This doesn't excuse the rest of this topic and how much you derailed the rest of it by being completely pretentious. This whole topic you literally act like you are a superior human being to the poor repetitively generalizing the poor as a group of people to have the same intelligence and situations. If you want me to make the same generalizations you sound like someone that grew up wealthy and never had a single hardship in your life but, seriously who the hell are you? Why do you think you can come online and give people advice about how to make their financial decisions?

Moral of the Story: I would have had completely different views on this topic if it wasn't for you preaching your own philosophy on how other peoples should live their lives and the ridiculous topic title.

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#2  Edited By Randolph
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@SaintJimmmy: *slow golf clap*

Very well said.

@kbaily, it'd be great if you stopped preaching down at everyone in every post you make. Their is a lot I could say about your contributions to this forum, and none of it very nice, but SaintJimmmy laid it out pretty well. Any time you want to get down off the pedestal and come talk with us mere mortals about our shared hobby, feel free to do so.

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#3  Edited By foxhound_fox
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I'm not sure why anyone would want a PS4 at launch either.

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#4 Kyffre
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@foxhound_fox: In the gamer world, i believe Hype is synonymous with Peer Pressure ..

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#5 Jackc8
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People just don't have any concept of living within their income any more.

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#6 Murderstyle75
Member since 2011 • 4412 Posts

Actually once you own a home, you pretty much are poor so I can see the Wii selling very well because of that. Most people I know even with good jobs are still living check to check. If anything, poor people can afford more of these things due to government assistance and tax refunds. I know a girl who was fired from three jobs in a year and got a tax return of close to 10k even after the government fed her two children and paid most of her rent.

As a member of the middle class, I have far less money to spend than I ever did when I was poor.

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#7  Edited By Archangel3371  Online
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@Randolph said:

@SaintJimmmy: *slow golf clap*

Very well said.

@kbaily, it'd be great if you stopped preaching down at everyone in every post you make. Their is a lot I could say about your contributions to this forum, and none of it very nice, but SaintJimmmy laid it out pretty well. Any time you want to get down off the pedestal and come talk with us mere mortals about our shared hobby, feel free to do so.

Agree with both of you. Thanks for saving me having to have typed out a similar reply.

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#8 Jacanuk
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@kbaily said:

#So we all saw this story.


Now let's set aside that I personally can't understand why ANYONE, rich or poor would buy an Xbox One at launch, let alone spend more than retail price on Ebay. But I look at this guy's situation. He's 19 and has a 4 year old kid. So we already know he lacked the intelligence to use a condom when he was partying in high school. I also laughed at the claim it was for his "4 year old son." Seriously what 4 year old wanted an Xbox One. The guy is saying that as a weak attempt to get sympathy for the fact he was scammed on Ebay. But what I look at is that he's a college student with a 4 year old so unless he has rich parents, how on Earth can he afford to spend $750? The article says he "saved up" but I think by that they mean he's prepared to spend the next several months paying his credit card off.

I saw this article: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/11/your-brain-on-poverty-why-poor-people-seem-to-make-bad-decisions/281780/

Basically the article states that many people, despite not having a lot of money will often go out and buy things they probably can't afford because they feel like "hey, it's not like things will ever get better for me, might as well enjoy something fun." I found it amusing how so many said the Wii sold because "poor people bought it" yet a lot of the "casual" Wii owners I knew were folks who owned homes and had good paying jobs where it seemed like 360 and PS3 owners, at least early in the last cycle were the college guys living in dorms, one room apartments or with family. I have a friend who's a big hardcore gamer. He goes nuts whenever there's a Steam Sale, always buys new hardware at launch. He just bought 3 PS4s, the idea being selling 2 on Ebay to make the money to pay for the 3rd one. The thing is, his family is constantly struggling to make ends meet. His wife works at Target. He makes $10 an hour as manager at a pizza shop. They have a kid. A few years ago they were on food stamps. He constantly talks about how tight things are, yet will rush out every time Gamestop has a buy one get one half off sale. I was actually amazed that he recently bought an Xbox One but decided to sell it so he could PAY HIS RENT!! (please calm down and read the whole article before ranting in the comments)

Look I know a whole bunch of you are going to rise up and tell me how you have a great paying job and can afford to spend your money how you see fit. You're right. I totally agree, but bear in mind, there are always consequences to the actions you take. You can skip class to stay home and play Call of Duty, but don't be surprised if you fail the test. You can shell out $600 for an Xbox One on Ebay, but don't act surprised, when the end of the month comes and you can't pay your rent.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy video games or consoles. I'm saying don't make "stupid" decisions. Don't buy stuff you can't afford. Don't let yourself get scammed like our Xboned friend here. This coming generation is scary as we see companies like Microsoft, Activision and EA creeping in more Microtransactions and DLC. Sony's going to make us pay to play online now. Gaming is getting to be a more expensive hobby with each generation and game companies like to think we're as dumb as this guy. That we chase after new shiny things the way a cat goes after a laser dot. Let's prove them wrong.

If you haven't bought a new console yet, I ask that you sit back and really think it over. What games do you really want to play that are coming out in the next six months? Can you play any of these on something you already own and be just fine without AI fish and arm hair? What if the game you want is delayed and you're stuck with an expensive Netflix machine for the next few months?

And most importantly...is it really worth it?

Stay gaming my friends.

What a incredible narrow minded post.

Honestly who gives a crap how he got the money, he had the money and he might not be the richest man on earth but should that prevent him from enjoying a Xbox One close to launch day as anyone else? of course not.

Also who are you to even complain over how other people spend their money? as long as they are honest and not earning it by stealing or scamming, you should stick to your own little pond.

Or is it because of jealousy?

And your last comment is just ........ well lets just say it demonstrates a lack of something....

Also honestly i would never call anyone who wrote this kind of post my friend so perhaps relax on the "my friends".

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#9  Edited By firefox59
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Idk if Karma actually exists, but if it does, you just accrued a crap-ton of negativity for that thread title.

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#10  Edited By LeftClick007
Member since 2013 • 77 Posts

Generalizations ....sigh......

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#11  Edited By SoNin360
Member since 2008 • 7175 Posts

Yeesh, you don't know that guy's entire situation, and even if all of your assumptions are true, why does that bother you so much? People buying things they can't afford expands way beyond video games and consoles. Other people's financial situations should not be any of your concern. And yeah, pretty poor choice for the title there, although it did grab my attention. But still, I'm sorry, but I found your entire post to be preachy and condescending.

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#12 Randolph
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Looking through these replies makes me so proud of this community. :)

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#13 ZZoMBiE13
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This is a joke, right?

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#14 Murderstyle75
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My response is spot on because when you are poor, you have far less financial responsibilities. Poor people get things like welfare and Obamaphones.which allow them to finance frivolous items since they don't have to pay their own bills. Don't believe me? Take a trip to your local FIA office and see how many single moms are in there with Coach purses and North Face coats while their kids are running around in designer clothes with Beats by Dre plugged into iPods.