What are sequals that should have never been made?

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#1 NinjaBlade753
Member since 2007 • 408 Posts

I think that a sequel that never should have been made is Dirge of Cerberus. That was a so-so game that was just put out to milk more money out of the FF7 name. So what are some sequels that should have never been made?

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#2 Video_Game_King
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Um, how about Snake's Revenge? Perfect way to destroy the stealth portion of a stealth game.
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#3 Robnyc22
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Actually....I think a better way of putting it is "what sequels should have never been made the way they were?'.....with that, definitely these:

1. DX2: Invisible War - How do you take one of the deepest and most engaging brand names and completely ruin it? Well, you dumb down the gameplay and environment for mainstream audiences on Xbox, then make the game completely unoptimized, last, have very little support for the game.

2. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - This abysmal game for consoles not only put the real Fallout 3 on indefinite hold since Interplay decided to transfer funding from that game to this, but it single-handedly tainted what was a great franchise name to the point there was no coming back, and between this and Bethesda getting the franchise...some fans, including myself, just think of "Fallout" having concluded with Fallout 2.

3. Unreal 2 - Probably one of the biggest disappointments for PC gamers in the past 5 years. To this day I try to wonder what went wrong....after all, the formula for success was there. You had a developer who had previously made an engaging game with a good story on a much lower budget, you had the best game engine at the time, and you had a franchise name that literally sold itself.....yet the game still turned out to be garbage.

4. Thief: Deadly Shadows - see "DX2: Invisible War" for reasons.

5. Rainbow Six: Lockdown - This is where the series stopped being a tactical-shooter that involved strategy and planning and became an Action-shooter where all that was removed.

6. Doom 3 - Now this was a game that stayed TOO faithfull to the original games, why, cause the original games were basically a corridor crawl....but back in 1993, there was nothing wrong with that, in 2004, we expect a little more from the genre, especially from a game that recieved so much hype.

To be added at a future date......Fallout 3.

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#4 MasonHarry22
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Um, how about Snake's Revenge? Perfect way to destroy the stealth portion of a stealth game.Video_Game_King
Thankfully Snakes Revenge isnt even included in the overall Metal Gear cannon by Hideo Kojima and Kojima productions. Snakes Revenge was made by an offshoot U.S. based konami development studio back in the late 80's and was released under the "Ultra" banner by Konami. Kojima had no input on the game and wasnt involved to any extent and it shows. While Snakes Revenge a truly BAD game it isnt very good either. another Sequel that should have never been made was DEAD TO RIGHTS 2 the first game was decent but part 2 was just horrid and should have never been released, one of the few low points for Namco.
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#5 hot114
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Anything bearing the finalfantasy name outside 1 to 12

Im talking about the chocobo racing, dirge of cerberus and the weak attempt at MMO FF11
i only name the three most known but to list all the games selling under the name final fantasy would probably take up two pages.
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#6 AtomicTangerine
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Yoshi's Story makes the children who loved Yoshi's Island cry.
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#7 PuRe_CaNaDiaN_
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Black and White 2
Lets take everything cool from B&W1 and piss on it, yet keep all of BW1s problems.

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#8 Freeglader
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any sequel from a movie based game (for example ice age 2) ...stuff like that really bugs me because most of the time they're rubbish / mundane anyway. im sure there are exceptions though.
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#9 majadamus
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Yoshi's Story makes the children who loved Yoshi's Island cry.AtomicTangerine

Oh my god! I forgot I had that game! That game was ridicuously easy.

Super Mario Bros. 2 and Devil May Cry 2 are the worst sequels ever made.

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#10 190586385885857957282413308806
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1. DX2: Invisible War - How do you take one of the deepest and most engaging brand names and completely ruin it? Well, you dumb down the gameplay and environment for mainstream audiences on Xbox, then make the game completely unoptimized, last, have very little support for the game.

2. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - This abysmal game for consoles not only put the real Fallout 3 on indefinite hold since Interplay decided to transfer funding from that game to this, but it single-handedly tainted what was a great franchise name to the point there was no coming back, and between this and Bethesda getting the franchise...some fans, including myself, just think of "Fallout" having concluded with Fallout 2.

4. Thief: Deadly Shadows - see "DX2: Invisible War" for reasons.

To be added at a future date......Fallout 3.


Ahh yes, another video game conspiracy theorist. Quite a few have become vocal lately and you can tell one by his "consoles are ruining PC's games" stance, when actually there's a simpler conclusion that is right in front of their faces. Let's take a look at these three games I've left in quotes; Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, Deus Ex: Invisible War and Thief: Deadly Shadows. What do they all have in common you may ask? They were games that were developed on PC and console by development teams that were about to go bankrupt. These poor games were created with name brand titles in hopes of making a quick buck before the inevitable closing of their doors. This is easy to see but still, it's the belief that consoles are at fault according to these conspiracy dabblers.

Since one good turn deserves another, I give you:


Fallout 3: Just when console owners thought that they might get their hands on their first real taste of the Fallout series, Bethesda decides to cater to the FPS fan found on the PC's, because we all know FPS's are better on PC. They also got rid of the turn based combat that is flourishing on consoles for a more real time approach that is known to thrive on PC. With the recent success of STALKER on PC, it's no doubt that Bethesda wants to ride the coattails of this series and give everyone a taste of FPS with minor RPG elements. Thanks PC gamers!

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: We all know that the original came out on consoles months before the PC version and that a sequel would be on the way due to the success of the first. Little did we know it would be given to a developer with no experience developing on consoles and a horrible deadline in which most of Obsidian's time was spent optimizing this game for the millions of configurations that PC gamers have. What we console people got was a game full of glitches and bugs...If only the game was developed for Xbox's simple specs, more time and care would have been spent on making the game perfect and better than the first.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles: While not a sequel per se, 360 owners that had Oblivion were ecstatic that an add-on pack was announced for one of the best games of all time. I actually heard the shock and awe of 360 gamers everywhere when they found out that Shivering Isles contains a bug that will make the game unplayable after a while. Game halting bugs are commonplace on PC but not on consoles. Leave it to a former PC-only Developer to give consoles their first taste of a save erasing glitch.

Final Fantasy XI: What happens when you take consoles' most beloved RPG series and create it with the PC in mind? You get another MMORPG. Gone are lead characters with teen angst and prepubescent love troubles, they did away with the 20 combat menus and 30 minute long CGI cutscenes too, leaving nothing of the series but the name and giant chickens.

Shadowrun: Take a name that was attached to two brilliant console RPG's and put it on a multiplayer only, team based FPS. I wonder who's responsible for this debacle. Could it be the machines that are home of other multiplayer only, Team based FPS's referred to only by the initials P & C? Yep. Developers learned from Turok: Rage Wars that these games are way too simple to be placed on consoles but PC gamers eat them up. Who would have thought years later that the Shadowrun name would not only be slapped onto a game of this type but also usher in the PC Gamer's invasion into the console's Xbox Live? Just how far will these PC gamers go?

So as you see, PC gamers are at fault for ruining these series. It can't be more clear than these skewed facts and mounds of unfounded speculation. Beware console game players, you never know when your favorite series might fall to developers that want to cater to PC gamers... One day there might be a Metal Gears Solid Real Time Strategy game, or even a Metroid Prime Point and Click Adventure game with no shooting involved.

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#11 myrtlebeach
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i dont really know, i've never bought a game that scored below a 7.0. but my friend did give me Area 51 which scored a 6.8 in OXM