One of the simplest, most fun racing games on the DS even today.

User Rating: 7 | Ford Racing 3 DS
The low scores and bad reviews you read are due mostly to flash and substance. This game really has nothing going for it. So why do I love it so much? 2 words - simple fun.

Whenever I load up a racing game or sports game, I usually jump right into a quick race or match to test the waters, so to speak. If the game has me slightly interested I press forward. If not, I turn around and return or sell it back. With that said, I don't buy into names or gimmicks. "Need For Speed" no longer carries much wait nor does "Burnout." While these are pretty fun on consoles, handhelds are another story.

Ford Racing 3 races play out the same every time, just so long as you memorize the tracks and hardly ever crash. That's the charm and simplicity I love, much like NFL Blitz back in the day where only a few buttons were needed.

If you don't like repetitive races, bland graphics, and repetitive courses, I suggest you move on. If you have second thoughts, I'm guessing you won't be one of the few people who enjoy this game and fit in with the masses. In that case, just trust your instincts and everyone elses reviews and skip this game.
