Food Force is an attempt of combining fun with education, although I'm not quite sure if it was succesfull.

User Rating: 5 | Food Force PC
Food Force is a Real-Time Strategy game in which you are supposed to help the people in some island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. In my opinion, the UN could have done much more with this idea, because what they did is so monotonous and so easy (basically drop food & drive a truck), that after half an hour of playing it, it becomes really boring, and this means a lot for this game, because if you play it right from the beginning, and you do not do any of the six missions over, you should be finishing the game an hour or so after you began playing it for the first time, and if you play it more than once, it becomes much shorter every time. Nevertheless, this game might be good for children between 8 and 12 years old, because it will at least give them an idea of how serious this problem is, and how the UN is working to solve it, and besides, it is completely free, so it would not be such a bad idea to download it and to give it try.