One big problem with this. You will loose all your friends :(

User Rating: 9.6 | Flyff PC
This is one of those games that are just addictive but when you are asked why they are addictive u can't answer. It seems like any other RPG but it is a lot funner because of the amount of different monsters and NPCs you get. This is more addictive then Guild Wars FActions which is really good for a free game compared to a £20 game. The graphics even include HDR or glow effect now which is just amazing. There r lots of players on and it isn't that laggy. Every1 is nice on it I mean someone gave me 1million credits for nothing!! It is very fun at the start as u start in a noobie town where u can meet tons of other ppl while lvling up. U will often join parties as well to lvl up faster. After ur first class change u will be looking forward to start flying which is very nice. Strangley though flying isn't one of the best parts in the game simply because u don't spend ur time flying that much. 70% of the time will be spent on foot as u walk around towns and fight monsters with other players. The great thing about flying is that u can fly onto super high buildings and then just jump off without loosing any health at all. Extremly fun. After u can fly though it becomes quiet a drag because u have to go through like 40lvls before u can do anything new. And lvling up is almost painful as u kill monster after monster. But for some reason u still do it because it is just that addictive. This game is great because u can travel to different islands by flying and u don't have to do it alone. U can fly to other areas with other ppl which can be quiet fun. The other thing is that the islands r just so big (not huge but it takes quiet a while to go from one end to another even when flying) and there is so many places to explore. But u will loose all ur friends playing this cause u'll end up lockig urself in a dark room.