A game that has actually made me put down another MMORPG that I paid for.

User Rating: 9.7 | Flyff PC
In a Guild in another game they talked a little bit about Flyff. Free game? So I went and checked out a Download. Whats interesting is that... Well. Its Fun. Plain and Simple. I haven't played for that long of a period of time but i have to say that its rather immersive. The gameplay is like your average MMO however there is something about it that just makes it addicting. Also the community is very helpful. You can just walk up to a guy ask for him to party and he usually will. I haven't been scamed or even been attempted to be scammed. Random people just walk by just to come and buff me. This is a commuity that I have never seen in a MMO before. I unfortunatly don't have any sound working on my computer so i just put on some tunes on my mp3 and were good to go. It has great value as its a good game for free. Whats not to like? In my opinion its not that innovative however for it being a free game its just addictive. This is definitly a game that is worth a download.