Good game, but theres some things that arn't all that great about it.

User Rating: 7 | Flyff PC
Review: I downloaded this game a couple months ago, and its a pretty fun game. This game really starts to get fun once you hit level 20, because up till then, you haven't been able to do to much, there are some quests you can take and stuff, but for the most part it just connsists of killing monsters to get Experience 24/7. That leads to one bad thing of this game, though it is a hard thing for an MMORPG to avoid, you do alot of just killing monsters to level up. For quests, its about the same, almost all of the quests that are in the game consist of killing a certain amound of monsters and getting special drops from them. The games leveling system works good, and its classes are also good, and very balanced. The best part about this game (for me atleast) is the party system. This game allows you to join a party and fight monsters with other people in your party. This might not sound like much, but its a fun time if you have an advanced party of 10 people all fighting a huge boss monster with spells flying and all these other attacks hitting it. They also have guilds, which can declair war on eachother, which is another great aspect of the game. Flyings a cool thing that this game offers to, though it looses its spark after youve done it a couple times. The music in this game is ok at first, but gets pretty old after a while.

Overveiw: This game is a very fun game if you can get in an active guild or in a large party. This game really isnt all that fun until you get to higher levels, which means alot of endless monster killing for hours at a time. If you dont have the time to put into this game and get to a high level, dont bother getting it, because it'll be a waist of whatever time you do put into it.