totally different from any mmorpgs. this game is 3d or bit final fantasy 7-9 like with the characters looks and spell ^_

User Rating: 9.6 | Flyff PC
flyff is a 3d mmorpg game like no gamers have ever seen til now. for once this game has a cool-looking world. yay u can even see the weather effects the atomsphere and see ppl fly on their brooms and boards.
gameplay-lvling doesnt take that long roughly 3lvls for in an hour til u get to lv 10 or so. they have bosees and mini-bosses which roams around with the other mid-lvled charas in case ur bored with low-lvled mobs
graphics-holy god! itz great. seems to be like playing final fantasy X or kingdom hearts. spells and attacking patterns are awesome.
community-a decent amount of players which sells items at a reasonable price in which makes all players happy. if u have any questions ask someone they will gladly help u. if they dun know the answers u always have the forum ^_^ that supplys a world map for u to look at and character build up list which comes in handy for newcomers.
info during gameplay-at lv 1-15 ur a vagrant which means ur a beginner. fight mobs that are 3-4 lower that u or the same lvls as u for fast lv build ups. when ur lv 15 u can choose a whole varities of classes: mage acrobat assist etc. some i havent really checked out so if ur interested in other classes be my guest and go to or google it. fighting bosses are hard without a party so if u want rare rewards grab a friend or 2 and go hunting. well enuff reading this review. go check it out. ^_& ill be surprised if u didnt.