Nice free game

User Rating: 7.7 | Flyff PC
This is a well made F2P game for those who just wants to waste some time. There are numerous quests only up to certain level. After that, its all grinding.

Traveling isn’t too bad once you start flying. Flying actually becomes quite fun and interesting. There are few hidden places on top where you can land with your flying thingy. Graphics are nice and there wasn’t any major glitches from what I’ve experienced. Game system is quite nice with just minor stats raising every time you level. This gives people an opportunity to try out new stats build instead of the game automatically deciding it for you every time you level. Few improvements I would have liked to see during my play time could have been more quests and some sort of auction house. Every day the towns get crowded with people trying to sell their stuff. With all the chat bubbles above their head, it often gets annoying to maneuver around town. Finding a specific gear can take more than necessary amount of time when you’re looking at each characters sale inventory.

All in all, not a bad game for those who just wants to kill some time.