Out of every free MMO I've played FlyFF is definitely one of the best.

User Rating: 7.8 | Flyff PC
Overall, I think the game play is excellent. It is, in fact, VERY similar to iRO (Ragnarok Online) in many of it's aspects, such as fighting, jobs, and resting. Simple point and click action is used to fight, which, when you first start the game, is a bit awkward, but you quickly get used to it. The battles themselves are as easy or as hard as you want them to be, and nothing is completely impossible to kill as long as you stay within monsters 3 levels of your level. The only problem that I see at all with the game play is the constant level grind. For those of you out there who have no patience whatsoever for level grind…STAY AWAY. Of course if you could handle FF XI, this is a walk in the park. But hey, not everyone is extreme enough to get to level 75 in FF XI most quit around 20. Anyways, back on topic. After level 10 every level will take you a good 30 minutes to an hour. Thankfully, this doesn't change at all (at least from what I've seen and heard) so its not all to horrible. However, levels 30-60 could be quite tedious for those of you who always have to have goodies to look forward to because they are empty. Devoid of new skills. I'm not to sure about armor, but I'm fairly positive that there won't be much of a change there if any. If you can make it to 60 however, the game will undoubtedly pick up again with your second class, and you can be skill happy until level 75, at which time you are god. Congrats. One last little note is about the flying…I myself still haven't figured out how to fly mid-flight, but it might be due to the fact that I am dimwitted. From what I hear its very frustrating. But flight itself is awesome and well worth the wait to level 20.

The graphics are well done, but not the best I've ever seen. Of course, the fact that your appearance changes when you equip new armor is always fun, but it's nothing new. There's not much when it comes to character creation, but you can change your hair color for a small wad of penya (money). The weapons when you slice leave different color trails, which can sometimes make the somewhat boring grind a little more interesting. Also, the animations for the weapons are incredible, such as when using a sword your character does a few slices then a spiral slice. And of course critical hits sometimes send your enemy flying backwards. As for the overall graphics, the landscape and mobs are mediocre but definitely catch the eye.