-THE REVIEW- of Flyff~ From a experienced mmorpg'er~ Flyff is quite a new game, but lacks the prospects of modern

User Rating: 3.2 | Flyff PC
Flyff is quite a new game, but lacks the prospects of a modern invention.

This review is not for any personal gain, nor for any abuses. I played flyff for about a year.

I am exeperienced at mmorpgs, I have played: Flyff, Mu Online, RO, WoW, Guild Wars, maplestory, Rose, etc

From all my experience, Flyff is not the game to choose.


Flyff is one of the most repetitive game ever, basically here is all you do: grinding

Select monster-hit- pot- mp pot-collect drops-elect monster-hit- pot- mp pot-collect drops-elect monster-hit- pot- mp pot-collect drops-elect monster-hit- pot- mp pot-collect drops-

wuts worse. grinding doesnt take skills, the way to level? is time, nothing else.

The quests? not better

all the quests are basically finding these items, which are easy and stupid, or kill monsters to get quest items, which leads back to grinding.

The graphics?

eh, i guess its not bad, but its really undetailed, the grass looks fake, the bow strings dont move, your character dont blink, your head go through walls. MEHHHHH

So, if you are lookin for a mmorpg, i suggest these choices:

The Best Choice:

WoW- if u havnt heard of it( u should have if ur from Earth), WoW is the best mmorpg there is, whether is graphics, design, game play, music, its the best you could choose. HOWEVER, you have to pay for the game. Which is a really bad thing for me. ( i cant afford it). Yet however, even when ppl have to pay, it is the most widely played mmorpgs right now.

Free and great Mmorpgs:

Ragnarok- Yes, you have to pay, but you could go into private server. Not as good graphics as Flyff, but WAY better game play. Training actually take skills(so does WoW) unlike Flyff, more features. Guild Wars: you only have to pay once for the disks, then its free for life. A great game, Ill give it 2nd best mmorpg. You dont have to pay, just get the game off the net.

that ends the review~