Addictive racing game you won't put down so easily.

User Rating: 8 | FlatOut PC
FlatOut is a mix between rally racing and demolition derby, its addictive nature comes from the content and online play, playing the demo of FlatOut just wants you to buy the game itself, since the pricetag is cheap as dirt.

Hard, enemy AI is pretty aggresive and hard to beat, like they are programmed to race a certain way, they get all the drifts and speed right unless somebody else gets in their way, the game also has a nice chunk of content and gamemodes for us..

Lets start of with minigames, you'll probably play these more then the races itself, you'll be able to do some addicting and gruesome minigames, like one where you drive up a ramp, and when you are in midair you press the turbo button and see you're driver launche over its speed and travels a certain distance, seeing him collide on the ground is just pure fun.

The gamemodes are from basic racing in a few different tracks, blood bowl (eternal drifting race) and demolition, which is incredibly fun online, you just smash other players until they won't be able to drive anymore, the fun in this one comes from the awesome psychics the game has.

Graphics are great, the explosions look fantastic, the psychics in the game is great because there are lots of stuff that are scrambled around the field, when you hit another car its enjoying to see it roll over a few times and hit a pile of wood.

The soundtrack, other from FlatOut 2 is bad, its just another rally game with just the same garageband rocktunes you'll hear over and over again.

Is it a good racing game;
Addicting races, minigames, demolition and all of these in online play is great fun, mix that with a great psychics engine makes this game a must-buy or atleast a must-try.