bad for a fire emblem game but its still solid

User Rating: 8.6 | Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA
The sacred stones was a great game, but I would have to say it was my least favorite of all the fire emblem games. The story was a little hard to follow, (although I guess its hard to follow a game when you skip all the character scripts.) The actual gameplay seemed a little different then the other Fire Emblem games. A little worse, but still good. The range of characters was pretty good but more then half of the characters in this game suck. The new classes were a very nice upgrade. They should have kept it like that for Path of Radiance. The three lowest level classes, pupil, recruit and journeyman were perhaps the greatest uprgrades to the class system. With these trainee classes you could make your units 2 times as strong, because it adds 10 more levels to the leveling up system. These trainees turn out to be the strongest units. The only downside to this game besides the story and gameplay was the shortness. It was to short, and once you beat the final boss there is nothing to do, and the replay value is only so so. The worst fire emblem game but still a good game.