Easier then the other FE's but adds alot of features I like about this game that make it a masterpiece!

User Rating: 9.8 | Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA
Hmm oddly enough I never made a review on this game. Well anyway this is the first FE game I ever played and what really got me into the series. I started off with a rom version of it and then later on bought it myself it was that good. This game is an RPG Stratagy where you control units of different types and defeat your enemies without losing any units, as once you lose a unit in this game there gone forever and the music along with the quote of the death gives you this creepy feeling that makes you want to restart the chapter and try again. The game offers supports which gives depth with the characters making your units more then just pawns on a board, giving them more meaning to you. This game has one feature I like the most and that is offering 2 class changes and giving you the choice. This gives alot of replay value if you wanna try out all the different classes and theres also bonus dungeons you can do to level up during the game or just have some fun getting all the bonus characters in the end of the game. I had all the bonus characters once but started a new game over it by mistake and had a nervous breakdown for an hour lol. The graphics are awesome for the GBA and the music is good enough where it is not annoying but theres not much of soundtrack wanting material for this game. I played through this game oh around 7 times if not more so its really a good game. The game offers 2 rounts as well to go through so its at least worth 2 playthroughs to get everything and this game offers you to return to older places to buy stuff or fight monsters and the such. This game is alot easier then all the other FE's but its probly the most enjoyable one I found of the GBA ones.