Awesome Game.. Very good Strory, as usual from all the Final Fantasy games. The Combat system is great! A very good game

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3
I really love to play this game... The storyline is soo epic... and the graphics are amazing.. a bit more colors would be nice but it's perfect in his own way. The combat system is pretty awesome and the thing with the monsters fits perfect in the game. Just the strength of the bosses is very different. Sometimes it's really hard to fight time and sometimes you just think BOOM one shot! The cinematic actions are awesome and there is a lot of variation of them in the fights. You can go where ever you want you're not bound to the story. Of course if you want to continue you have to go further on but you can go where ever you want at any time (if you already unlocked the level ^^ ) The sound and the voices in the game are well chosen. The Cinematic scenes there will make you speechless. They are so amazing, i can't tell in words. Of course there are also points to complain about.. but i think the fun while playing the game is the most important thing and it's a lot of fun! Was my first Final fantasy after years but it's really epic. Give it a try and download the Demo.. Kicks ass :)