Yeah the problems for me are characters and battle system

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3
RPG without many characters is not that fun, and the battle system is tricky. Battle using Paradigm shift is a bit complex sometimes. You have to short out the right paradigm and use it at good timing and perfect situation for using it. The battle also a bit messy, with many monsters you encounter and the movement of the players. The graphic for the games for me it is pretty good and make me comfortable to play this game. Cinematic action of this series is awesome. It is fun to see the action and pressing the various buttons and see what happen if we fail or success. The story of the game is pretty good I think, but is not good as previous Final fantasy such FF VIII or VII. The idea using monster as 3rd party member is also pretty impressive. We can have some fun with using type of monsters are we going to use. We won't get bored just with 2 players which is Serah and Noel. Also the personality of Serah in not cool as Lightning, but she is still worth to be used. Moogle's skills are also use to use, we can have fun to search some unseen items and stuffs.This Final Fantasy is not a failure, just need improvisation