Square fixes many of the problems in 13 but creates a few new ones.

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3

1. Monster System allows a wide range of parties and building monsters is fun.

2. Production Values are top notch.

3. Soundtracks is diverse and mostly great.

4. Fights are flashy and fun.

5. Noel and Serah are good leads and not falling into the typical mold of JRPG protagonists.

6. The story has high points that are exciting and intresting.

7. Plenty of side quests and things to collect.

8. Voice acting is solid.

9. Linearity of FF13 has been fixed

1. Serah and Noel are the only playable characters throughout the entire game. Can be a problem if somehow the player does not like the two.

2. Quick Time Events are too easy.

3. Story is at times confusing and nonsensical. The story can be great, but has it's low points.

4. Some of the music feels out of place or the lyrics are distracting.

5. Combat is far too easy which does not allow the genius of the combat system too truly shine.

6. Interesting characters like Caius and Lightning do not have enough screen time.

7. Some plot points are only revealed in the Datalog forcing you to read the Datalog to fully understand the plot.

8. The game was built for DLC and some parts are blocked off until DLC purchase.


FF13-2 is a enjoyable game for around 50+ hours. It is highly recommended for any FF fan or anyone looking for a solid JRPG to play.