when square enix gets tired ...

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3
They will make a character name Serah that the most annoying character of whole video games and another character that named with Noel actually he is good not annoying but the rest is blah blah blah ...
get away from characters (mostly hated by Serah) graphic is good not very much improves but good on it's side and the story it is really good that makes you feel something running on your back especially when the biggest villain Caius talks sounds and musics are more happy and major but not as good as the original one except themes and Caius's one and the ending part. as I was talking about the story it deviates a lot more than what you can think of that but it still is good and darker than the last one at last more annoying Hope and Vanille are less now and hope grows up and vanille is just in a cutsense but less Lightning and Snow is another bad part of the game. the game has improved but some of them are bad for example the battle are really easy especially with new game+ but in the end it worth playing