Worst RPG in a long time

User Rating: 3.5 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3
This game has no substance completing the story in under 20hrs and the full game within 30hrs, not to mention that the ability to reverse time removes any reason for a 2nd play through. The story is shallow and simple the end of the game feels like it should only be half way and the fact that they recylce every area about 3 or 4 times just in different time lines means there is actually less exploring then in FFXIII. Adding more characters into the game could've given it more depth which it needs, but instead they went with using monster stopping you from having full range of the paradigm system basically restricting you third party member to only 3 roles.

To sum it up there are no real challenges and no real rewards, no twists and no surprises this game falls short in every way possible from someone who is a huge fan of final fantasy I can not be more disappointed.