This is the deifnetly an amazing RPG and can easily contend with the final of today.

User Rating: 9.6 | Final Fantasy VI SNES
Story-line 10/10 Final Fantasy games are always known for their epic story-lines, and this game definetly started that. Even though the evil empire thing is typically over-used, the game's shocking and enterating events will compel anyone. This Final Fantasy definetly has the best bad guy of any of the others, making it have very possibly the best story-line of any Final Fantasy game.
Gameplay 10/10 The most important part though of any game is the gameplay. In ths game it is executed perfectly. The battle system, is classic, yet many of the battles are very challenging, and actually has a virtually imporsible last boss. The level of challenge in this game is outstanding. The upgrade system, works perfectly for the game as well, and the magic and summons are also excellent.
Graphics 7/10 Yeah the graphics aren't very good on this game, but hey it's old, and who really cares about graphics anyway?
Sound 10/10 This game couldn't rely on voice acting in this game, so it had to totally rely on music. Yet the music always matches the characters situation perfectly and often makes you totally intrigued into the story-line. Every music piece is executed perfectly.
Overall 9.6/10 This is probablly the top five best RPGs ever. And it's amazing how it's so good, because it had the disadvantage of no voices acting, and the awesome graphics. Yet this RPG is what every RPG should be like. It's hard unlike many of the ffs today, and is really an amazing game, and is deifnetly the top three ffs in the series, and still worth checking out even today, but I would suggest downloading it onto your computer.