One of the greatest Final Fantasy ever, and one of the best SNES games if you enjoy a great, surprisingly complex story

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy VI SNES
Final Fantasy VI (know as Final Fantasy III here) was an instant classic, receiving negative critics very rarely and for a reason too, it was innovative. Up to this game, the series was good, but experimental. With this game, they finally found the right mood which would be felt in the next games. Containing a deep plot dealing with things not yet explored within the video game world such as teen pregnancy and suicide (although this is more evident in the Japanese version than the censored American version). The game, knows when and how to make you laugh while keeping a serious setting (once again, the American version was less serious). The way they progressively introduced the character who would become the biggest threat (not telling his name, play it!) was brilliant, I'd never assumed he would become so powerful, and that is a change as all Final Fantasy games since then made it either clear who your foe was such as X-Death from FFV or they didn't show him until the end like Zeromus from FFIV. The plot is also very non-linear since after some point in the game, you can choose between searching for your friends or actually decide at any point to go for the final battle. The graphics were some of the finest of it's time and the music was really Nobuo's finest work including the ending theme lasting something like 20 minutes incorporating smoothly all of the characters themes. I could go on and on about the greatness of this game, but words can not describe something like this, if you've never played this game, be sure to try it at least or you're taking the chance of missing what could become one of your classics. Really, really play it!!!