Epic boss battles, mesmerisingly epic musical score. and addictive mini games make this the best final fantasy game yet.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy IX PS
the battle system is the same as all the others(exept 12) but why change when ur one of the best in the genre. nobou uematsu does another fanominal job with music. the mini games are highly addicting. playing cards is so fun ive spent hours playing cards alone and i still dont under stand what all of it means but none the less its fun. chocobo hot and cold can get intense.hands down best final fantasy game. a 10 out of 10.... um thats all now im just messing around till i get over 100 words... sooo who here likes avenged sevenfold? there my fav band. RIP the rev. why is ff14 going to be another mmo!? they should make a ffgame with all characters in it. wakka is awsome... chocobo are awsome too... the chef thing u get in ff9 i named hime mcpoopz pretty awsome huh..... welll bye everyone hope u enjoyed