the best but not the best

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy IV DS
the best but not the best because of the game play its kinda hard to deal with for the most part. Im still in the middle because my ds lite broke and im tring to get it fixed right now so oooooooo well.

And a little tip put the heallers in the back and the fighter in the front of you so that you can bring your self back to life for now.And make sure that you get them the right stuff or else your regret it later on.And make sure that you get the right amount of level up because that is the most important skill in the book.

of the game is the scense it's not what they said that they were going to hive but the scenes are still the great for the most part.And also there is aright amount with scenes in the game.

The battles because there are to many fighters and not enough healers.Also they should give you the right amount not the other way around.

so if you are going out to buy this make sure you rent it before you buy it or else you might regret it for the most part.