One of the best Final Fantasy games makes a fantastic trip to the DS.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy IV DS
Pros :
- Great graphics
- Fantastic storyline
- Great music and voice acting
- Fun RPG battle system
- Fun minigames
Cons :
- Difficulty

Final Fantasy IV is one of the best RPGs to date. Its story is amazing, the music is awesome, the battle system is also very fun.

A thing that I really like about this game is Whyt. He is this little creature that you can level up by playing minigames, which are all fantastic.

The story is long and full of twists. There are many characters to meet, and you can feel their sorrow.

One thing that I disliked about this game was its difficulty. The bosses are quite difficult, and this game can be hard to pick up.

The battle system is interesting. Its the first in the series not to have turn bassed moves, but instead having you wait till your bar fills up to attack.

It is simply one of the best games on the DS. If you are an RPG fan, or a Final Fantasy lover, this is a must buy.