Fancy 3D graphics aren't enough to save the story of this game.

User Rating: 7 | Final Fantasy III DS
Final Fantasy has been a huge long running franchise, with it's 13th game coming out next year for the Playstation 3.

Unfortunately, in porting FF3, one of the less successful older games of the franchise, to the DS, the story has been further mutilated, and although still recognizable, it retains that corny dialogue and basic backstory that FF3 sported.

Normally I would go on a romp detailing all of the bad points of the story, but I won't, since that would be unfair; this game is simply a 3D port.

So what are the good points? Well, first of all, the battle system looks better than ever, with multiple camera angles and some just genuinely cool looking attacks (including Blizzaga.) Some of the bosses have been made much stronger, and these add extra challenges to the game, although at times they can be maddening.
The music has stayed the same, but still retains that charm from the original.

Overall, this game is fun to play, but the story is weak and boring.