Absolutely blows World Tour Soccer out of the water. Best sports game on the PSP to date.

User Rating: 9.3 | FIFA Soccer PSP
Let me begin by saying that I'm not a huge soccer (football) fan. While I am originally from Europe where soccer (I will call it football from now on) is huge, currently I live in the States where this game is not really followed by many at all. I was a little wary of getting this game after I saw the IGN review but since I knew that IGN's reviews are more often than not just plain wrong, I decided to wait until GameSpot reviews it. GameSpot said the game is pretty good so I decided to give it a shot, and let me tell you - I am very glad I did. I think the game is even better than GameSpot makes it out to be. Everything in this is just what I wanted and more. The graphics are absolutely amazing - come on GameSpot, you cannot tell me that this and Lumines deserve the same Graphics score. Its just hard to believe that a handheld, even one as good as the PSP can produce visuals like these. Its almost as good as the console versions of the game. Sound is great as well, the commentary is fun and the British accents fit right in. The cheers and songs of the fans are fantastic as well. Now, the most important part of the game - gameplay. It is absolutely spectacular. The first-touch controls are a great addition to the series. Both IGN and GameSpot were saying that first-touch controls were hard to use since they're mapped to the D-pad while moving your player is mapped to the analog nub so they said that you'd have to let go of the nub and thus momentarily lose control of your player. While I was playing, I used first-touch often and never had to remove my finger from the analog nub so I was wondering what in the world was the problem for the reviewers and then I realized it - I was playing in the Logitec's Playgear Pocket case. You might wonder what that has to do with anything but if you have the case you probably know what I am talking about - using the analog nub with the Playgear case is so much easier than without it. Before I got the case, I'd get cramps in my hand when I had to use the nub in games like Gretzky NHL. However, when the PSP is in the case, it makes the whole system thicker and somehow the nub becomes much easier to handle. So, I took the PSP out of the case just to check my theory and sure enough, it was very hard to reach the D-pad while using the analog nub at the same time. But, when the PSP is in Playgear Pocket, it is very easy to move your player with you thumb on the nub and press the D-pad for first-touch controls with the index finger of the same hand. Anyway, I'm sorry I rambled on about first-touch for so long but if you have the Logitec case - you won't have any problems and if you don't have it yet - why the heck not?! Best case on the market bar none. Now for the rest of the gameplay - it is simply great. Players move realistically, the game flow feels just right. I was never that much of a football fan, I've always preferred hockey but with no good hockey games for the PSP I can see myself playing FIFA Soccer for a long time to come. If you are a football fan and you're waiting for Winning Eleven to come to the PSP - you're not a true fan cause a true fan wouldn't wait years for another football game to come out when there is a truly awesome one already here and it is called FIFA Soccer. If you're not a football fan but you're tired of your other PSP games and don't know want to get - go rent FIFA, chances are - you'll love it!