fifa gets better and better every year.

User Rating: 8.5 | FIFA Soccer 08 X360
fifa 08 is a great game for all. fans of football or not. fifa 08 has a great single player mode like:

15 year manager mode
create torunments
toruments with over 50 real toruments
be a pro: offline training
challenge mode with over 120 challenges

also create player

online mode is very good because you can play be a pro with 10 other gametags in the room. very fun and different in a very good way.
playing players online is very good with the communications.

online is a must with this game.

the cons:
skills are quite hard to do.
manager mode, the computer teams do not do allot of transfers.
the games are quite long with a 8 minute games witch are 4 minutes long.
achievements is hard to get because all the online members are very hard to beat.
fifa 08 brings hours of fun to any one. highly recommended.