The Game Reaches Expectations, With brand new gaming new insets but the match game has not changed.

User Rating: 8 | FIFA Manager 08 PC
Be the ultimate manager with everything you need From Annoying Paparazzi to Cup Final match days, but this game isn't all about managing 16 grown men to kick a football round in front of thousands of people. it tests you how to keep everything balanced from a nagging wife to impressing your boss with your golf skills, Managing money making sure your club has a future finance and helping the youth rise. the game is ideal for any football loving person who want to be the next Jose Murinho on there desktop.

Its better than the Previous ones with no rip off add on what you have to buy a few months later o_0... thats right this one is the real deal, Im not gonna reveal to much into the game but Im telling you if you thought football manager was good you should rely give this game a try Fully licensed by FIFA. with official players,kits,badges and pictures.