Project Zero 2 or Fatal frame 2 is great remake, anyone who loves survival horror must buy this game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Zero: Shinku no Chou WII
I'm not going to do a full review of the game just the new things that the Wii version have.

The graphics are very good, same as Fatal frame 4, in fact everything that is related to graphics or gameplay its equal to FF4.
The camera is now over the head and follows you, not anymore like the old resident evils or fatal frame 1 2 and 3 from Ps2.

They added 2 new endings and a new song (the xbox new ending is included too) so there are six endings in total and a lots of unlockable content so you can still play the game after you beat it once.

They added a new mode called hunted house, is a good add-on and you can play it with a friend, one player travels around the house and the other tries to scare him by making ghost to appear etc etc, is a fun mode.

A new theme was made for the game by Tsukiko Amano.

Now the bad things I've notice:

Mayu and Mio don't look like 15 years old girls they look like 18 or more, they changed them for this version didn't like it at all

The voice acting is not really good although there aren't a lots of dialogs is not very good and the British accent for me didn't fit in the game and the voices. There is a very very bad lips sync with the voices too

The controls are really bad, when you focus on a ghost the camera always goes to the right, really is not that good.

And I think thats about it.
Thanks for releasing this game outside japan Nintendo, I was and I'm still very mad about Fatal Frame 4 not being released outside Japan but its seems they hear us for this game.

So overall:

+Great graphics
+Great sounds and music
+Very well done remake
+Lot of re-playability
+New endings and a new mode

-Bad controls
-Poor voice acting and lip sync
-Main characters changed for worst