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User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 3 PC
Far Cry 3 is an amazing game that really sucks you in the main story and lets you discover the big beautiful map it has, as it gets more and more interesting every time. What a game to play, it's really amazing to free roam around the island doing side quests, skinning animals to make bigger better pouches, armory for your player. The story line took me more than 16 hours to complete, there's a good amount of side quests to do, and i haven't finished most of them. The hang glider is fun as you can go high and look around the island and if you want let yourself go off of the glider to dive or do maybe a bit of wing suit. There's a lot of animals in this game from pigs to bears to hunt with the bow if that's want you're into (I am) to the reasonable stash of guns that are available in FC3! Multiplayer I got to say isn't the strong of FC3, it's not that intense as other FPS, I didn't found it that interesting, overall I've played around 1 hour on multiplayer. CO-OP it's alright, play with friends and can be fun.
But overall this is a must buy. The main story is really good and the graphics are just amazing! I really recommend it if anyone is out there looking for a sandbox game. :)