An Amazing Game!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 3 X360
Now I havent played it all the way through, but just about over 10 hours and i have to say this game is amazing. I have played all the hits and big releases this year Borderlands, Dishonored, AC3, COD:BO2, Halo 4, and I have to say this is the best game by far. Yes the multiplayer is basically irrelevant, but the single player is so damn addicting. The world, and scenario they put you in is just incredible, the animals, the people, everything far cry 2 lacked far cry 3 delivers on. Far cry 2 story had no drive, the fast travel was annoying because you had to find a bus station and still didn't take where you wanted to go. Sneaking was irrelevant because enemies saw you no matter what. Far Cry 3's story is just immersive, you get hooked and the Vaas is possibly one of my favorite villains in a long time, the dialogue between the characters are great. Within 3 hours of the game I was hang gliding from atop a hill and landing into an outpost to capture it. I was riding jet ski's and killing sharks everything far cry 3 set up to do they delivered on it, excluding the multiplayer. That is the only reason it got .5 off for me other than that this is possibly one of my favorite games in the past few years.