Almost Perfect, But Not Quite.

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 3 PC
Have you ever been on a pristine tropical island and thought "Wow! This vacation would be so much better if I could get paid to stab someone in the neck"? Have you ever been paragliding on the untouched cliffs of a Corona commercial and said out loud "This outdoor adventure sure does make me want to commit multiple felonies!" Pioneer, your search has ended.

Graphics are second only to hi-end PCs

Controls are tighter and more responsive than Borat's sister

Sounds like good simulated murder should, complete with an orchestra, except for the repeated dialogue from baddies, which ultimately transforms some encounters into a meeting with Charlie Brown's teacher(s).

Playability is so good, I almost didn't need a tutorial. Everything feels right and will have you hunting for extras not because they lead to a power-up, but because you genuinely want to do so.

Entertainment: All I have to offer is the immortal words of Maximus. Seriously, "Are you not entertained?!" The whole package comes together as one spellbinding effort, broken only temporarily by the cookie cutter pronouncements of those short lived foot-soldiers. Otherwise, other FPS should use this as a benchmark.

Replay suffers unless you start tapping the Multi-player aspects, which are (thankfully) deep.