A Good sandbox game with great presentation, but lacks detail and depth.

User Rating: 8 | Far Cry 3 PC
This game is definitely above average but nothing which hasn't been seen before. The Exploration = the Assassins Creed system where the protagonist has to climb radio towers to unlock the different sectors of the map. The mission system is stolen from GTA or Ass Creed. Not much variation in NPCs, they all look the same and are damn ugly and most of them can not be communicated with. The wild-life is dumb and runs towards the player even when the player is firing an automatic weapon. The enemy Ai is decent but also very easy to flank.

I hear it's been named "Skyrim with Guns". But I think there's not enough depth in the environment to come close to Skyrim. Most of the environment (99%) in the game is outdoors and the environment doesn't change, it's sand and trees and sea and no variation in colour palette. All the towns in the game look the same. Skyrim is packed full of different interior buildings such as castles/caves, ruins, guild halls, cities etc which this game doesn't have.

The mission system is also fairly basic and repetitive. It's not exactly an element of the game which can be played for days on end, it's very much so just filler to be completed whilst traversing the main quest.

Gunplay is solid and satisfying, the guns sound decent and fire pretty well. The stealth-kill/takedown system is one of the best. The ability to chain stealth kills together is an rewarding but not original concept (probably taken from Tenchu). But it has been executed very well in FarCry3 and looks very flashy. The stealth system is general is pretty well balanced, it's more difficult to execute stealth kills than going all out guns blazing but the game rewards the players effort with almost three times more experience per kill.

I would rate this game about 80%, 8/10. It's more of a "presentation" of a video game/ interaction movie, than a good game. Most of the mechanics in the game look very nice to execute but they also take control away from the players hands for a few seconds to show off something fancy. For example the self healing system revolves around holding the "q" button to initiate and then three to four seconds of watching an animation of the protagonist bandaging an arm to pulling out bullets or snapping in broken joints. In terms of presentation it all looks good but it's not exactly adding anything to the gameplay.

In general it's easy to tell a lot of work went into this game, but it's mostly all been concentrated on the visuals and presentation. There's isn't large chunks of gameplay or exploration to be had here. It's a one time show. Typical of lets say going to the movies to watch a blockbuster hit ( except this show gives the buyer a lot more bang for buck than a movie ticket.) I would recommend this game, it's worth buying but don't expect the next Crysis in terms of gameplay and definitely not the content and longevity of Skyrim.