The Loneliest MMO I've Ever Played

User Rating: 3 | Fallout 76 (Tricentennial Edition) XONE

I don't think video games are supposed to make you feel depressed, but this one sure does.

After 4-5 hours of gameplay, I felt zero fun. Which is a shame. I don't know how Bethesda could make such an unsatisfying game. If I had to guess, it's because they stop caring if their games were enjoyable. Instead they probably were trying to fill diversity quotas or be more sensitive to trigger warnings in their gameplay. Why else would this game suck so hard? So I'm going to assume they all forgot how to do their jobs, and that they no longer know what fun is, and never buy another one of their products ever again.

Thanks for making a depressing, boring piece of trash. If only I could've gotten my 60 dollars back, but unfortunately I pre-ordered. Also, what kind of "beta" is released 2 weeks before the game is?

I actually hate Bethesda now. All your "hard" "work" on this garbage was for nothing. And I hope the people responsible for it are fired and replaced with people who have talent, or a sense of fun.

Thanks for nothing.