It's quite simple: This is the best DLC for 'Fallout 3' and a must have for any fan of the game.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3: Broken Steel X360
The first two batches of DLC for 'Fallout 3' have been somewhat disappointing. In my opinion, 'Operation Anchorage' relied too much on the action part of the game and ditched most of the RPG gameplay. 'The Pitt' went back to how the original game played, but it was a lazy & boring storyline, had an even less enticing environment than the original game had, and just wasn't that much fun. And both of the DLC quests were very short and probably not worth the $10.

'Broken Steel' changes all of that. To start this DLC, you have to complete the original game. That's because this is a continuation of the original storyline. Because of that, I can't really go into the plot too much as some of you reading this may not have finished the original game yet. Just know it has a more interesting story than the previous 2 DLC and is a far better bargain.

The best thing about installing 'Broken Steel' is it raises the level cap to 30. This was a HUGE deal to me, as I had my character maxed out before the original game was even over. And yes, if you install 'Broken Steel' it will raise the level cap even if you haven't finished the main game yet. There are many new perks that have been added, as well.

Another nice bonus is that you get your hands on the Tesla Cannon. This is basically an energy weapon version of the Missle Launcher, but so much better. You do get some additional armor and other loot, but the Tesla Cannon steals the show here.

I will keep this review short, as I can't really give away plot lines of the story. However, if you are going to download ANY of the 'Fallout 3' DLC, THIS is the one to make sure you get. It's easily the best of the bunch, so far, and the benefits of a higher level cap and several new perks are huge. Not to mention it extends the original storyline from the main game. This DLC is worth the $10 and is a must have for any fan of the game.