The best fast mover sim out on the market

User Rating: 9 | Falcon 4.0: Allied Force PC
This is the most realistic fighter jet simulation out. With that said, it will probably turn away the casual gamer. This game does take a lot of time to fly the Viper well. There is a steep learning curve for those gamers that are not into flight sims. There still is a considerable learning curve for flight sim fans too because there are weapons/radar systems, tactics, and dogfighting physics you have to know well before you can start a sortie. If you have a real fighter pilot friend, (s)he will be a great resource. There are virtual fighter pilot squadrons that can also teach you the basics if you dont want to read the massive manual. The true fun begins when you can overcome the learning curve and take on real sorties, especially with multiplayer. If you have the money, a head tracker will greatly improve gameplay. One annoyance is the grayout during high G maneuvers. Only a pilot that is trained poorly in AGSM will gray out, yet in this game your screen grays out. Are they trying to say our AGSM is poor? So please just turn this function off.

The aircraft are well modeled. All others are outdated, but who cares?! It's the gameplay we care about most.

Not the most high quality sound, but adequate. I would have loved more chatter from your flight, especially in dogfights. Fellow flyboys are much too quiet during a dogfight.

Dude, it's cheap and the best flight sim game. I cant stand playing flight sim games where you just fly from point A to B. Where is the fun in that? I love this game because you have to think before, during and after your sortie. This game is so in depth and as accurate as it can be without breaking SECRET clearance.