Good Effort. Bad Result.

User Rating: 7.2 | Facade PC
From my statement on the front, if you're a real visualist who listens to everything, you'll notice that this was said in The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, when Jagger Valance accidently shoots his ally, Riddick, instead of the guard. Same goes for this game. When I first heard about it, I said" Wow, the game will respond to ANYTHING I say?" Of course, all good things must fall at some point, and Facade is no exception. Just as in KOTOR, I was ready to tear this couple's lives apart. Yet, since I only have a Windows 2000, the downloading process took 3 hours. But, as such, patience is one of my virtues, so I suffered through by watching King Kong on DVD. When I FINALLY started to play, things started to get ugly. I typed to Grace, " Trip is having an affair with your mom." I was sure she would kill Trip, but she just responded" I don't like Trip. What should I do." Arrggh. But not everything is bad. Graphics are nice, especially because my kids think so, the voice-acting is suberb and top-notch, and the character-modeling is pretty good. The worst part of it all was, like I said, the text-recognition. Yeah, Yeah, I know our voice software isn't so good, but all my buds were saying" cool, it talked to me"
Anyway, if you waiting for the next Zork, this might whet your appetite. But, for the rest of us, play, and don't have your expectations high. Its a nice little shtick, but don't try to befriend this game. You will go crazy.