Fable 2 is a really addictive and fun game

User Rating: 9 | Fable II X360
Fable 2 is really addictive game, you'll keep coming back to this one for awhile. Not forever, but for awhile. The story isn't that good, it starts out in your hero's childhood with his/her older sister Rose, they collect money for a music box to make a wish. The wish was to move into the castle that lord Lucien lives in. it works, and they go. Lucien finds out that you or Rose is one of the 4 heros and shoots the kids. Sad Lucien, shooting kids. So the Hero grows up and sets out on a quest for vengeance against Lucien with the Help of Theresa, who really reminds me of Kreia from Knights of the Old Republic 2. As you go through the story you unlock(or find) extra citys and areas

Anyway, after the beginning, the actual gameplay starts. After a brief training mission your on your own. Side quests don't start coming in till later in the game, then you so many you don't know what to do with(sort of, you get a nice amount) Anyway, you have to beat the game to unlock all of the areas though. So beating the main quest is good idea. There's a lot of clothing options in the game, with dyes make it almost endless. You can practically look however you want. There's also a good amount of fighting styles too, do you want to use a hammer or a sword? Mace or Cutlass? etc. Same goes from your ranged weapon selection and you can use up to 8 different and cool spells. There is no character creation, you make your character as you go along. Go to a stylist to change your hair/beard, go to a tattooist to get or remove a tattoo. Look like Joker or Aragorn if you want. Character possibility's almost are endless. O, and the stores you buy for income even make money while the game is off!

The fighting is fun too, even though it has no challenge. At all. Thats one of the only things I don't like about this game, you never die, you just get KO'd when you run out of health. O well, the combat is still cool. The X button alone does a miraculous amount of things. Like unblockable power attacks, combo strikes, block and counter. You can also use guns and crossbows, by holding Y you zoom, and then LT to sub-target. Magic is targeted and area.

You can do practically anything with the variety of expressions you get, all from belching to giving people the finger to using pick-up lines. This is how your character talks, cuz he never vocally speaks.

The voice actress of Theresa does a great job, and the rest are descent. The sound effects are pretty good, and the graphics are good too. However, certain videos you will encounter in the story are next to perfect.

Overall, Fable 2 is a great and addictive game that has a crapload of replay value. Great game.
The Good
-lots of character possibilitys
-long, if you do everything
-stores make money while the game is off
The Bad
-bad co-op
-bad story
Singleplayer: 9.75
Lots of fun, and just messin' around couldn't get better.
Co-op: 2.25
Awful. Why is this in here again?
Story: 5.5
Pretty generic. Hero must beat bad guy, save the world. Not that thats a bad storyline, but the storytelling of Fable 2 is very, very, lacking.
Graphics: 8.75
Cartoony, but not bad and gets the point across.
Sound: 8.25
Some of the sound effects work well, while other sound a little fake.
Immersion: 8.75
Can suck you into the world, but something will eventually make you go "Are you serious?"
Replay Value: 9.25
This game has ALOT of replay value, I've played though it quite a few times.
Overall: 9.0
Great game, could have been better, but its a blast if you can get past its faults.