An incredible game to expand on its predecessor.

User Rating: 9 | Fable II X360
While there are just two games thus far in the Fable series, it is renown for its differences in gameplay which all depend on which path you take, either down the path of righteousness, or a path of pure evil, or whatever else you choose down the middle. These consequences for your actions made Fable 1 unique, yet in Fable 2 it is expanded to affect the towns makeup and how the locals respond to you.

The game is set in the same place as Fable 1 - Albion, 500 years after the first game so the place itself is more industiralised which has introduced guns. In the 500 years, many of the Hero's of old have perished, leaving few left to fend off, or aid the forces of evil. You play as one of the last remaining hero's attempting to restore peace in Albion, or send it down a hole of poverty and corruption. In your quests, you wont be alone, always followed by your trusty dog who sniffs out treasures for you to dig up, and if an enemy is knocked down, attack them. The dog's appearance can also change with yours depending if you are good or evil.

Gameplay: If you have played the original Fable, you can expect much of the same - you start off as a child trying to earn some money for one reason or another, something bad goes down and you want to get revenge. So you play your way through a number of challenges and quests to gain experience which you can place into a number of skills. For example you can specialise in melee combat, ranged combat (with guns and crossbows) and magic.

A word on the magic, in Fable 2 there is no mana bar, however you must charge up your spells before releasing their full power. While casting you are not immune from enemy attacks, meaning if a spell takes a while to charge, it may not really be worth it in the long run.

Graphics: I personally thought it looked amazing, there is great constrast between the happy flowery areas and the dark, spooky, run down areas.

Controls: The controls seemed very easy to master as there are only a few you need to worry about, X controls melee attacks, Y controls the range, and B controls the magic.

The good: Interesting story line, every house and shop is available for your purchase, easy controls for anyone to master, the affects of your choices in situations affecting the environment adds for a different story each time you replay.

The bad: The main story seems very short, magic seems lack luster and seems to hinder your abilities rather than improve them, the 20+ magic spells you could choose from in Fable 1 have been culled to 10 - several of them doing the same thing, just with different colours.

Final word: I adore this game, despite its setbacks purely because it feels so unique and the story line is so intense an interesting you won't want to be away from this game for long. Unfortunately, you will finish the main story line relatively quickly leaving you with several small side quests to do while attempting to buy every shop and house in Albion. That said, if you get bored you can play the game from the beginning and ready yourself for an entirely different experience.