almost landmarking but not quite

User Rating: 7.8 | F-Zero GX GC
I have always been a big fan of F-Zero as I loved playing it for the Super Nintendo back in the day. I spent hours on that game and I still play it once and awhile. I own a Gamecube but never really bought many games for it and I was only just playing Xbox for a long time. I saw that this game was released awhile ago and I bought it used for like $7. This game was well worth the $7 and then some. I have never seen a racing game like this before. Tracks going upside down, crazy loops, driving in pipes, on the outside of pipes, twisting every which way possible while ignoring gravity. The game is so fast its almost painful to watch. But these are the reasons why F-Zero has always stood out among racing games. Theres plenty to do on this game, time trials, story mode, shops, customizing, multiplayer, etc. Theres a sick number of vehicles to choose from and if none of those are to your liking, build your own from default pieces or earn some cash and buy better parts for your vehicle. There so much to buy in this game. You have to buy all the vehicles and drivers to use them, you can buy all the different parts for your own custom vehicle, heck you even have to buy each chapter in the story mode to continue through it. Which is where they made their first mistake. If your going to include a story mode in a racing game such as this, dont make it so difficult that we actually have to buy the story line parts to get through it. I think that hinders the replay value of this game a bit. Your not racing for fun anymore, your racing to unlock, unlock, unlock! And the game starts getting repetative real fast.