Best Racer this gen. And one of the hardest games this gen.

User Rating: 9.3 | F-Zero GX GC
F-Zero has always been about speed, beautiful tracks and a certain degree of difficulty. F-Zero has to be one of the hardest games this gen.

The gameplay for this game was very very good. There are 3 basic tracks: Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald cup with the different difficulties such as Novice, Standard, and expert. Depending on the character you chose or the machine you make depends on how well the machine will maneuver on the track. L and R buttons were used for sliding and tight turns, the X and Z buttons were a tackle and spin attack to destroy the other racers. And Y with the boost. Boosting made the adrenaline in this game oh so great. And we cant forget the build your own machine! you get the parts by beating different difficulties and certain number of races. 9

Not only does this game play well but it looks great to. Great detail on the machines. But not so great on your own original machine. The tracks looked great, you could see the air while you did a turn and the energy off the machine when you hit that power slide. The enviroment around the tracks looked beautiful. Big Blue for example is one of the biggest tracks and the enviroment really gave it the name it deserved because of its enviroment. 9

The soundtrack for this game was amazing. Im pretty sure anyone who loved F-Zero GX the majority would say the Mute City soundtrack is their favorite, one of those unforgettable songs you can never forget. The sound of the machines were good too, the sounds of strafing to the left or right, tackling other machines and the sounds when another machine is coming up right behind you. Sounds were as prefect as they needed to be. 10

This game may not be for people who do not like to collect by beating campaigns over and over again. And it may not be for people who have a hard time accepting that the game they are playing is way to hard for them.
But any racing fan with a GC I highly reccomend this game. 8

So to end this review F-Zero is a great racer, great tracks, great machines, and very good music. This game should deliver almost everything you want.
