
User Rating: 8.5 | F-Zero GX GC
One of my all-time favorite fantasy racing games has to be the F-Zero titles. Speed, speed, crack, and SPEEEEEEED, are what makes racing games so adrenaline pumping, and intense. Falcon returns in this high paced racing adventure.

Jesus **** Christ. Is this what the Gamecube can handle?. Kudos on this one boys. Simply amazing. From the vehicle design, to the environment specs, this game really stands out amongst other titles on the GC. Whats even more eye popping, is that this game is running on 60 FPS, and with that speed you would expect the framerate to jump up and down, but it doesnt. Splendid visuals make this game really stand out.

The sound is mediocre. The techno can either make you or break you. But it will definitely not be what makes your adrenaline pump a mile per minute. The only part tha may seem enjoyable, and even can be nostalgic to some people who played previous F-Zero games in the past is the revamped musical score for the Mute City track. Once you get used to the techno tunes on the other tracks, the irritated feeling seems to disappear. Especially when your moving at a speed of almost Mach 2.

Tight. Responsive, and Slick. Nothing to **** about here. Some vehicles may have a little too much play while turning, but other than that, its extremely solid.

Addicting. Especially when you have to keep completing Tournaments in order to unlock more episodes in the story mode. Even if it seems tough at times, you will always keep coming back due to the high paced, heart pounding races that consume your mind, body and soul.

This game is a great addition to the line-up of GC titles. It stands out amongst the rest as a really immersive arcade style racing game. With lightning fast races, super responsive controls, and eye popping visuals, this game will hold your attentions for a long time.